Disruption In Court

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A knock was heard at the door making Magna and I stir in our sleep. Both of us were exhausted and hoped to sleep in. but it looks like someone has other plans. The knocking only grew louder and louder. "Whoever the hell is out there better have a damn good reason for waking us up." Magna grumbled pulling me into his chest.

I sighed knowing that there was no way we'd get any more sleep. "It's Luck, you better open the door before he kicks it off it's hinges."

"Open up! We have an emergency!" Luck yelled banging even louder on the door.

Magna grumbled even more before dragging his ass out of bed. "What the hell kind of emergency could we have after all this elf shit?" He opened the door to have a newspaper shoved in his face. Luck impatiently jumped in place while he read the paper.

I sat up and yawned while trying to peek at what was on the page. Magna's eyes went from being filled with worry straight to anger. "What the hell is this?!" He yelled, slamming the paper down on the dresser below the bed. "Scarlet, look at this bullshit!"

The first thing I saw was an overly dramatic drawing of Asta in his partial devil form. My eyes scanned the page while Magna continued ranting. "These damn nobles don't even know who saved their asses! A trial?! They want to put him on trial?!"

I scoffed, throwing the paper back on the dresser. "These bastards are just scared of what they don't understand. That's why Yami picked him to be a Black Bull."

"And as a Black Bull, we gotta save him!" Luck yelled looking between Magna and I.

Magna nodded in agreement. "Meet us by the Crazy Cyclone. We're going back to base."

We quickly packed our belongings and said our goodbyes to the towns folk. They cheered us on telling us to save our friend and thanked us for our help. They assured us they'd be fine since we brought supplies and helped out quite a bit the day before.

Luck jumped on the Crazy Cyclone and wrapped his arms around Magna from behind. "Hurry up fireball asshole, we gotta go!"

"Why the hell are you riding with me?" Magna pushed Luck trying to get him to let go.

I rolled my eyes while summoning my fiery wings. "We don't have time for this guys, Asta needs us. You better try and keep up." I pushed Magna's shoulder before flying into the sky in a fiery blue blaze.

The moment we got to base I burst through the door with Magna and Luck following close behind. The entire squad minus Asta and Nero stood there looking back at the three of us. Yami laughed slamming his hand down on the newspaper that laid on the table they were gathered around. "You dumbasses made it just in time. We're heading to the court house."

The base began to rumble as Henry used his magic to turn the base into the raging bull. I leaned myself against the wall trying to keep my balance. "Who the hell do these bastards think they are putting a Magic Knight as out going as Asta on trial? He helped save the damn country!"

Noelle sighed and crossed her arms. "Didn't you hear us all talking about the trial while we were helping pass out food in the city?"

"Uhh... No.."

Vanessa laughed from the couch while surprisingly fully dressed. "Oh course she didn't. She was too busy gawking over our little delinquent."

"Sh-Shut up!" I grumbled while my face heated up.

"Don't worry, the other two knuckleheads were too busy fighting each other to notice either." Vanessa snickered looking to Magna and Luck who had already began bickering.

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