Unnecessary Prying

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The morning sun shining through the balcony windows pulled me from my much needed slumber. I cupped my face in my hands feeling the embarrassment flow through me. Last night was nice, great even, but damn this man. I peeked through my fingers to see how at peace he was sleeping beside me. How is he so damn cute?

I slipped out of the bed and grabbed our duffel bag bringing it into the bathroom with me. Gently closing the door I began running my bath for myself. I sat on the edge of the large tile tub that rested in the corner. There was a shower in the opposite corner, but I've never used one. Some peasants could barely afford to have baths in their homes let alone a shower. Even the Black Bulls base had large shared baths.

There was a basket on the vanity full of different soaps and such that I perused through finding a bottle of bubble soap. I poured some in the water watching the bubbles rise in anticipation. I hummed in pleasure as I lowered myself into the hot water feeling my muscles relax. "I don't think I'll ever get used to these luxuries." I mumbled to myself while twirling around the bubbles.

It wasn't long before Magna woke up. He sauntered into the bathroom and leaned against the doorways seeing me relaxed in my bubble bath. "Good morning little miss royal."

I looked over seeing him completely exposed looking all handsome with a smirk on his face. My face lit up as I sunk down in the bath. "Good morning." I muttered before lowering my head down into the suds.

"Oh come on, you're embarrassed after what we did last night?" He chuckled running his fingers through his hair.

I grumbled turning away from him. "Just hurry up and shower or something."

He looked quizzically at the handles of the shower not knowing for sure how to use the thing, but it seemed to be the same as the bath.

I couldn't help but peek over the edge of the tub at Magna through the steamy glass barrier. The water ran down the finely tones muscles of his back and arms. A drop of blood dripped from my nose so I decided it was best to look away. Besides, if we spend too long in here someone is bound to barge in.

After cleaning ourselves up we packed up our belongings and I hung my dress in the wardrobe. There's no point in me having such a nice dress at base, especially since this is now my room.

Vaguely remembering my way through the castle, we made it down to the dining hall where all my cousins had gathered. Funnily enough the Silva's and the rest of our squad had just arrived as well. I had forgotten that Noelle mentioned us Vermillion's hosting breakfast since they hosted the dinner.

Leo rushed over to Asta begging him to train with him after breakfast with Mimosa following close behind to get closer to Asta. That of course frustrated Noelle who was now clearly arguing with herself internally about whether she liked him or not.

For some reason Solid and Nebra didn't join us which in all honesty didn't bother me in the slightest. What did bother me though was Kirsch's inflated ego filling the room along with his damn petals while he talked. Can you say arrogantly elegant? Of course every time he talked Mimosa would have a snarky comment which made the whole thing a little more bearable.

Nozel joined Leon and Leona towards the head of the table and began their own conversation. The maids were rushing around preparing the table for when they bring out the food.

We took our seats with Luck sitting on the opposite side of Magna from me. I saw him elbow Magna's shoulder and giving him a wink obviously congratulating him for last night. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile. Men.. At least he's being quiet about it though... for now.

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