The Calm Before The Storm

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The trip to Gordon's family's house seemed to pay off quite a bit despite the crazy shit Asta and them had to endure while there. Apparently, there are quite a few cursed people in our kingdom, but what stuck out the most was the huge curse in the Heart Kingdom. I personally have no idea how this is supposed to help us, but at this point I can't wait to get it over with.

"Come on, eat faster!" Charmy yelled from behind me while shaking my chair.

I gulped my food down and stared down at my bowl of curry in dread. "We've been eating for hours." I whined before taking another bite.

"Better keep up or your mana will be sucked dry." Magna said with his mouth full.

"I'm gonna be sick." I grumbled.

"This is hopeless. There's no way into the Heart Kingdom." Yami deadpanned while staring out the window. "These damn borders are all boobytrapped. We set one off and we'll be marked as wanted in an instant."

"Even Rouge wouldn't be able to help us through." Vanessa sighed.

Noelle pondered for a moment. "I think I remember Mimosa going to the Heart Kingdom a long time ago. They allow some nobles to study abroad there."

"Finral please, I beg you, open a portal so Henry can put the base back!" I cried, feeling myself getting low on mana.

All of a sudden I was smacked in the head with a wooden spoon. "There's no reason to cry about delicious food!" Charmy yelled with all her sheep raising their spoons in agreement.

I looked to Finral who nervously laughed while backing up towards the door. "Alright, just give me a moment."

Once the base was back where it belonged we all laid around the main room exhausted from the constant fluctuation of mana. Asta leaned over the back of the couch where I sat with Magna resting his head in my lap. "Wanna come with us to see Mimosa?"

I groaned, leaning my head back to look at him. "Too tired. Just tell her I said hi or something."

"Will do!" Asta ran off meeting up with Noelle who waved to us at the door.

With a sigh I looked down to see Magna had already dozed off in my lap. A small smile spread across my lips as I ran my fingers through his hair. Without the damn hair gel it'd be a lot softer, but he insists he looks more manly. I chuckled to myself, making him stir in his sleep. Damn he's too cute. Before long I found myself dozing off as well.

In a typical Black Bulls manner, we were abruptly awoken by Asta yelling the second he got in the door. "We get to go to the Heart Kingdom!"

"Can't you be a little more quiet..." I groaned looking towards Asta with Noelle and Finral close behind him.

"You were asleep that entire time?!" Noelle shouted looking surprised. "It's been like six hours!"

"Hey, you try being siphoned of your magic for hours!" I retorted.

"You guys are ridiculous." She huffed, crossing her arms. "Anyway, we'll be leaving in a week. Asta, Finral and I will be going and Nero said she'd join since she can stay as a bird."

I began prying Magna from my lap making him grumble in protest. "Sounds like you have this all figured out. In the meantime, I'll be sucking up all the free time I have before Leona borderline kills me during training."

Noelle nervously laughed. "About that.. she said after our boat leaves for the Heart Kingdom your training begins with her. She told me to tell you to meet her in your village to begin training."

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