An Undercover Mission

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"Huh?" I deadpanned while the gears tried to turn in my head. "You want me to what?!"

Yami rolled his eyes before explaining himself again. "You are going to disguise yourself as a peasant girl and get kidnapped. Magna and Luck will be there to back you up." Taking a puff of his cigarette he leaned back in the couch where we stood in the main room. "Look. I know you've been practicing suppressing your mana for a while now. This is a good chance to surpass your limits. Plus, I know you'll be fine anyway. It's just a few thugs. You just have to help find their hideout."

Beside me, Luck was holding back his snickering while I felt Magna's heat rising from the other side. He was definitely not wanting to watch me in harms way while sitting back in the shadows. He knew there was no point in arguing though. Yami would just threaten to kill us if we declined the mission.

"Well I guess I have no choice." I rubbed the back of my neck kinda nervous. "So I just have to play the role until we find their base?"

"Exactly. The village is close by so you'll all leave tonight." Yami handed Magna the paperwork with the rest of the details. "Good luck. Earn us some more stars and don't break anything but a few of their bones."

I grumbled to myself while I trudged my way up to my room. "I only just learned how to suppress my magic and he expects me to do it on a mission?" I sighed as I entered my room to search for my old clothes. "Catching some goons should be a cinch with Luck and Magna around. I just don't like the idea of acting helpless."

Putting on my outfit from the exams, I felt a rush of nostalgia wash over me. I smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear while looking in the mirror. Most of the time I'm in my fighting outfit or some of the new clothes I picked up since I have a decent amount of money. Good thing I kept these old rags. Although, I didn't have the heart to get rid of them.

A knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts. "Oh.. Uhh.. Come in."

Magna peaked in from behind the door. "Hey, it's about time to go."

Luck jumped on Magna's back pushing him to the ground. "Yeah! We're gonna beat some criminal ass!"

Laughing, I helped Magna up and held him back from starting a fight with Luck. "Alright you two, let's go before Yami kills us."

I handed my Black Bull's robe to Magna to keep in his pocket along with his. Since this is essentially a stealth mission, we can't be wearing our robes. We just need them in case other knights show up. With that being said, we also have to walk there so they don't notice us arriving.

As we made our way through the forest towards the village, Magna gave us a briefing on what we were up against. Apparently, a group of unknown cloaked men have been abducting girls and disappearing with them if they see them alone. Most of said abductions have been at night which is why we are working this late. The mayor of the town has requested we come help since his daughter was abducted the night before. They have no information on who they could be or where they have gone.

We made it to the outskirts of the village shortly after dark. Standing in the treeline the three of us suppressed our mana so we wouldn't be noticed. "So I thought of a plan. I'm going to pretend to be looking for my lost pet." I whispered looking towards the village.

Luck snickered as he patted my back. "That's pretty lame, but I believe in you. We'll be right here if anything happens."

I nodded to him with a slight smile when Magna grabbed my hand. He ran a thumb over the bracelet he had given me. "Don't you think you should have left this back at base. Most peasants can't afford something like this."

"You're probably right. Can you hold onto it for me?" I asked despite not wanting to take it off.

Magna gently unclasped it and put it in his pocket. "Be safe out there. I won't let anything happen to you." He pulled me close giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

I wandered the town aimlessly looking for some imaginary cat. The roads were fairly barren from what I assume were the kidnappings. Luck and Magna's ki followed me around the outskirts of the village. Although, I had a hard time concentrating on that since a lot of my energy went towards keeping my mana suppressed.

"Fluffy! Where are you?" I called out peaking down alleyways and checking in the bushes. "It's past your dinner time buddy. It's time to come home."

After about an hour of searching and a few people watching me out their windows like I'm crazy, I finally heard something. A rustling came from a nearby flower garden. Walking closer a small pair of glowing eyes looked at me. It slowly crept out into the light revealing that it was a small black cat.

I knelt down holding my hand out to it. "Well, you may not be my Fluffy, but you're pretty cute." Right as it went to rub against my hand, something frightened it making it run off. Before I could turn around something or should I say someone grabbed the back of my hair pulling me off the ground.

Crying out in pain, I held the person's wrist trying to hold myself up to ease the pain. A cloaked figure latched some cold metal thing around my neck. The man holding me pulled me closer to them with a deep maniacally chuckle. "Look what we have here boys. We caught ourselves a bull."

My eyes widened. They already know who I am. I panicked and tried to flare my mana to burn the man, but nothing came. I tried to grab my grimoire, but they laughed at my attempt.

"Nice try girly. We got the nice black market stuff. Your Magic won't listen to you as long as that thing is around your neck." He threw me forward making me hit my back against the side of the building. "You're powerless now. Oh, and your friends? They're being taken care of as we speak."

I gasped for air from getting the wind knocked out of me. I could see the three cloaked men in front of me now, but not their faces in the shadow of their hoods. I slowly got up glaring at them. "Who the hell are you people? Minions of the Eye of the Midnight Sun?"

The guy on the left laughed like a damn hyena. "Look boss, she thinks she can get information out of us."

"Yeah, real funny." The middle guy scoffed. "Just tie her up already and get this over with." He turned around and began whistling to signal to his other men.

The man on the right stood there with his arms crossed while the other reached for him grimoire. I lunged forward punching the man right in the groin and grabbing his grimoire. He hissed calling me names under his breath as I tried to run towards the forest. The ground below me quickly grew soft and turned to mud. My foot got stuck making me fall forwards throwing the grimoire.

Quickly looking back I saw the boss guy with his grimoire out stomping towards me. Feeling my heart beat out of my chest I tried to swallow my nerves. "Magna!" I shouted trying not to sound as terrified as I was.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move from my position. The mud user had me bound. Two more cloaked men jumped out of the forest, running towards me. The boss guy grabbed his hunched over subordinate dragging him towards where I was. "Dammit! We're missing one! Ehh.. No Matter. They'll find their way back. Just get over here before those other Bulls show up!" He wrapped an arm around my waist lifting me at his side.

I squirmed trying to break the mud restraints he put on my arms and legs. Looking up I saw Luck and Magna surrounded by their mana at the forest's edge. The seething rage coming from Magna made my heart stop. I've never seen him so angry. Luck rushed towards us with his boots and gauntlets reaching out towards me. His face contorted to a look of fury. His smile was nowhere to be seen. The wind picked up around us as a familiar feeling washed over me. We were being teleported with spatial magic.

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