Magna's Seething Rage

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Magna's Point of View

Watching from the trees, I could see Scarlet wandering through the shadows. The streets were dimly lit by the moonlight along with the small fire lit lamp posts. Watching her crimson hair dance in the wind made me realize something. Well, I lie. I've known this all along. This mission is bullshit.

I growled clenching my fist. "Look at her out there. Doesn't Yami realize how risky this is?" I whispered, keeping my eyes on her like a hawk.

Luck patted my back. "She's really strong, ya know. Plus, we're here to protect her."

"I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach." I grumbled smelling the smoke from my palms. "I'll fry any bastard that even thinks about laying a hand on her."

Luck's head snapped back looking into the darkness. "Several people just appeared. They must have used spatial magic." The berserker smiled pulling out his grimoire. "They know we're here."

A glimmering metal chain shot past Luck hitting the tree behind him. I got out my grimoire throwing flames in the direction of the chains for them to disappear. Luck rushed forward towards one of the cloaked men. The other two were focused on me as I began peppering them with fireballs. The one blocked my flames with a wave of water. The other used his spatial magic to redirect my flames back at me.

I blocked with my flames as the fireballs exploded in front of me. Letting out a dry laugh, I emerged from the smoke. "That's not the first time I had my own magic used against me."

Luck managed to grab the chain knife his opponent summoned and electrocute him. I threw a fireball at the man to bind him with my flames. Turning back towards the other two men I quickly dodged the torrent heading my way and threw more fireballs towards him.

Through all the chaos a loud whistle was heard coming from the town. The water user froze before turning towards our captive. He tried to use his Magic to surf towards Luck and grab the man, but Luck was far too quick and slashed at him making him dodge.

The spatial user used his magic to bring his partner back towards him and they began running towards the town.

"Magna!" Scarlet's cry for help rang through my ears. I looked to Luck to see the panic in his eyes. We've been too focused on our fight that we couldn't watch out for Scarlet.

We both broke into a run with Luck speeding ahead. We hit the clearing to see some jack ass holding Scarlet, bound under his arm. Three cloaked men now surrounded her with tose other two joining. Her gorgeous green eyes were now filled with terror.

I could practically feel my blood boiling. I hit a fireball with my fiery bat towards the spatial user, but I wasn't quick enough. Luck slashed at the ground creating a claw shaped indent where the main bastard once stood. He knelt there for a moment in shock before slowly turning towards me with wide eyes.

I stood there with my mouth agape. My mind didn't want to process the hell I have just witnessed. I clenched my teeth letting my flames surround me as I punched the tree beside me. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" I repeatedly punched the tree making my knuckles bleed.

Luck slowly got up dispelling his magic. "Magna, calm down." He softly said as he got closer. "We'll get her back. I promise." He pulled the back of my cloak not letting me hit the tree anymore. "Magna!"

I held my face in my hand letting the blood run down my arm. "She was terrified, Luck. Why the hell didn't she use her magic?"

"I don't know, but we have a captive to take in." Luck raised his fist with lightning dancing around it. "We'll get information out of him one way or another."

We drug the bastard back to base to be interrogated. Most of the squad was already asleep in their rooms besides Vanessa who was passed out on the couch and Yami who was doing some paperwork. With sweat beading on my forehead I threw the unconscious guy into one of our wooden chairs. "Hey lush. Tie him up for us would ya?"

Vanessa rubbed her head groaning as she sat up. "What the hell is going on?"

"We need to beat some information out of this bastard! Now hurry!"

Yami stood up from his seat slamming his hands on the table. "Who the hell do you think you are dumbass? She isn't even part of your mission!"

I kicked the chair over that the guy was thrown into and walked my way towards Yami. "As much as I respect you, Captain Yami. You're the one that told Scarlet to get captured and act helpless. Well, now she is helpless and scared surrounded by these damn goons who took her with their damn spatial magic."

Yami took a puff of his cigarette blowing the smoke from his nose. "Well this took a turn for the worst."

Vanessa had already tied the man down and Luck shocked him awake. He groaned from the pain radiating all over his body from being thrown around so much. After he realized the situation he was in he just began dryly laughing. "I failed, but by your expressions I assume they got a hold of that Black Bull's girl."

I grabbed him by the collar lifting him up along with the chair. "You better tell me where the hell she is or I'll burn you to a fucking crisp." I threw him back down summoning flames in my palm.

He continued laughing, throwing his head back. "She could be anywhere. Selling Magic Knight's can bring in a big fortune. Who knows, maybe she's being sent to become a Diamond Kingdom slave as we speak."

"You fucking bastard." I muttered punching him across the face.

He spit out a tooth while blood ran out of his mouth. He looked back up with a crooked smile. "Someone lose a lover or something?"

I went to hit him again, but was stopped by Yami. "Enough. We can't kill him yet." He picked up the chair with the man in it throwing it over his shoulder. "Luck, go get Finral. We're going to see Marx."

We filled Finral in about the situation as we entered the castle. The Magic Knights stationed at the front were informed that Yami needed to speak with Marx asap. We began heading deeper into the castle where I could assume their jail was.

Marx used his magic to connect to us showing us his exhausted figure. "What could you possibly need this late Yami?"

"One of my Knights were taken and is possibly being sent to the Diamond Kingdom as a slave. This mission was a set up. I want to know who's behind it." Yami said sternly continuing his decent underground.

Marx sighed rubbing his face in frustration. "I'll be right there. Go to the interrogation chamber."

I watched intently as Marx worked his magic. With him being the Wizard King's right hand man, I knew he'd have strong magic, but I didn't know the mushroom head had mind reading magic.

Marx furrowed his brow before dispelling his magic. He turned towards the five of us looking directly at Yami. "Your fellow knight is still in the country. They hadn't planned on selling her quite yet." He took a deep breath then looked to the rest of us. "If any of this information gets leaked to the public, I will have to take legal action. Don't speak a word of what you're about to hear."

Vanessa, Finral, Luck and I looked to each other and nodded in agreement. Marx continued while pacing in front of us. "It's no secret that the Purple Orcas have a new leader. Their squad was performing malicious deeds by selling information and magic items to the Diamond Kingdom. Apparently we haven't cleansed all the corruption by removing their leader."

"Ok, we get it mushroom head. Where is my subordinate?" Yami huffed crossing his arms.

"She's most likely in the warehouses to the east of the Purple Ocra's headquarters."

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