The Sad Truth

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I wandered the town feeling Yami's ki in one of the buildings close by. I peeked into the window of some butcher shop to see a large man with black facial hair shaking hands with Yami while Yami held a drooling Charmy in his other hand by the collar of her cloak. A younger looking man who also had dark hair but had a white headband, had been piling mountains of meat on one of Charmy's wool clouds.

Yami noticed me outside and waved for me to come in. I entered to have Charmy thrown into my arms. "Hold this and don't let it near the food."

"Uhh.. Alright.." I muttered, staying by the door.

A woman came out from behind the checkout counter carrying a small paper bag. "Here girls, since your captain is buying so much you can have some beef jerky on the house." The woman had dark dreads with a tattoo on her chest of some strange symbol.

Charmy grabbed the bag and began munching away thanking the woman with her mouth full. She tried giving me a piece but I wasn't very hungry at the moment. We had just eaten not too long ago.

We followed behind Yami back towards the castle to get Asta and Finral. Finral was the first to meet up with us. He seemed pretty down from what I assume was his encounter with his brother. I didn't want to pry too much or anything so I left him go.

The four of us idly chatted until Yami and I sensed Asta's ki nearing us. Yami grunted pulling himself off the ground telling Finral to open his portal. Asta rounded the corner with his arms wrapped how they were before. He seemed as chipper as usually but I couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt. Before we entered the portal I confronted him. "Hey, sorry he didn't have enough mana after treating me. I should have had him treat your first I guess."

"Don't worry about it, Scarlet. I would have asked him to heal you first anyway. I'll be fine." He smiled trying to reassure me before jokingly kicking the back of my leg. "Let's get going. Finral can't hold the portal open forever.

Once we got back Yami had sent me to gather everyone and bring them outside. Thankfully it was pretty easy since I felt everyone's ki in the main room relaxing. Except...

I jumped back as Luck burst through the door. "Scarlet, you're all fixed up!"

"The doctor said I have to take it easy! Calm down you damn berserker!" I yelled dodging the kick he sent towards my head.

"Aww.. No fair." He pouted landing in front of me to have a fireball whiz past us..

"Why the hell are you attacking someone who was just injured dumbass!" Magna walked out with another fireball ready. We made eye contact as his glance went down to my leg which was obviously all fixed. He squeezed his hand shut making the fireball extinguish into a puff of smoke. "Well look at you magically getting fixed up."

I scratched the back of my head while letting out a half hearted chuckle. "Yeah I guess. I just wish he could have fixed Asta as well."

Luck put his arms around our shoulders pulling us together. "He'll heal up in no time. Don't worry too much. He has to get stronger to fight me remember? He promised!"

"Yeah, that meat head heals faster than we do anyway." Magna added.

I smiled looking back at Asta who had been talking with Noelle still acting like his normal rambunctious self. "I guess you're right. If he's not concerned about it then I shouldn't be either."

Vanessa noticed Finral looking down and had been talking to him about what had happened today. They seemed to get along pretty well. Even better since their teamwork at the water temple. Everyone else seemed to wander outside on their own to see what all the commotion was about.

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