Chapter 1

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Six Months Earlier

I woke up to the sound of the loud whistle of an aged boiling kettle, though my eyes were still closed I could feel the rays of the early morning sunshine creeping into my room from the windows.

I could also hear the mumbling and bustling in the kitchen of the infamous Mrs Matthews trying to get breakfast ready.

I turned over and laid on my back as I lazily opened my eyes blinking a couple of times to adjust them to the bright sunlight. I tried remembering what day it was only for me to resort to the search of my alarm clock to help get things straight.

After what seemed to be futile seconds of searching I found it sitting on the floor with a perfect dent on my plush carpet.

How'd you get there? I thought.

Probably from trying to drown out its annoying rings, my subconscious replied.

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed it and checked the time, noticing I was going to be extremely late, I sat up abruptly to stretch before throwing my legs to the side of my bed to get up. I crossed the hallway to the bathroom opposite my room to get ready for the day.

I got in locking the door behind me, I groggily walked towards the mirror and my heart jumped at the startling sight.

My perfectly wrapped silk scarf was missing, so was my elastic head band and in its absence a head full of knots, tangled curls and out of place strands of golden brown kinky hair were left in their wake.

"Well that's unfortunate", I breathed out.

"Belle! You better get up now and get dressed if you don't want to be late for school!", Mom yelled.

I rolled my eyes yet again at the thought of school, with it being a Friday and the last day before summer, I'm more than happy to get a break from there for the next few months and the highlight of this summer would be the upcoming vacation!

The mere thought of that got me grinning widely from ear to ear and with that thought propelling me, I washed my face, took my clothes off and hopped in the shower.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing too special about this vacation. My family and I live in San Jose, California, in one of the most quiet neighborhoods around town, thanks dad.

My family and I moved here from Fresno three years ago and all I can say is, I wanna go back so bad I'm currently willing to put up with anything.

Which brings me back to the most amazing news, for our family vacation we would be going back to my hometown to visit my Nana!

I know what you're thinking, lame right? It might be but my Nana has been my best friend ever since I was born, I grew up with and around her until my dad decided to move three hours away from our family home.

It literally broke me and my relationship with my dad so now we just have the father and daughter relationship, without the relationship of course.

I was even more excited because my Nana has been talking non stop about a cute boy she got as a caretaker and helper around the house on our weekly video chats.

My grandmother has always been a known over exaggerator so my heart wasn't fully set on it but a part of me was excited to meet him and hopefully he turns out right.

I got back to my room and was towel drying my hair when I had an unexpected visitor sitting in all her mighty glory on my bed.

"You do know that a proper lady uses what they call a hair dryer right?", She commented rather than asked.

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