Chapter 16

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Half an hour later we pulled into the local orphanage, it's really been a while since I was here.

I used to come here with the town church as a kid to visit the other kids here and bring a lot of gifts and toys for them, It was the highlight of my Sundays.

I got out of the truck before Cole came to open my door, he looked annoyed at that but I just gave him a sweet smile in response.

He walked toward the cargo bed of his truck and got out some boxes and bags I didn't notice were even there, I helped him carry the few bags while he easily balanced the brown boxes.

We walked to the entrance of the orphanage and the familiar scent of the place hit me, a wave of nostalgia rushed through me and memories from years ago came pouring back into my mind.

I scanned the little lobby where visitors waited and I noticed a lot of things had changed since the last time I was here.

The orphanage had put up framed pictures of each child that they had in their custody and by the looks of it, there were a lot.

The walled entrance connecting the lobby to the main hall was covered with the frames, there were cute chairs with matching little side tables to the left side of the lobby for waiting visitors and to the right side there was a counter where a secretary or assistant would be seated, but for now there wasn't anyone there.

The ceiling was decorated with children's art, like it was the work of the kids that were being used to bring a homey welcoming feeling to this place.

The building had such warmth to it that it felt alive and more like a home than an orphanage, and that's why I loved this place so much as a kid.

Cole gave me a light push and I snapped back into reality, he nudged his head towards the direction of the main hall and I followed close behind him.

We stepped into the main hall and all the kids were sitting on the carpeted floor playing games, doing artwork, some singing, some up and dancing.

The entire place was bubbling with activities and with the shrieks and cries of different kids.

Cole set the boxes on the floor before he put two fingers to his lips and let out a loud whistle. All the kids stopped what they were doing at the sound, for a minute they seemed confused and surprised at the sudden intrusion.

Then in a flash the kids came running towards us, well Cole, screaming his name and shoving each other to hug him first. He knelt down to catch some of them and they jumped in his arms later pushing him over.

Most of them let out shrieks and giggles while Cole laughed along with them. I also laughed at the situation in front of me, as much as he tried to get up they all kept pushing him back down laying on top of him.

Soon, the caregivers of the orphanage came out and called the attention of all the kids.

At the sound of them, they all rushed towards the caregivers forgetting about Cole for the time being, I dropped the bags to help Cole up and he looked absolutely flushed but he didn't mind how he looked, he genuinely enjoyed that.

The caregivers got the kids settled and they walked towards us.

"Cole! It's nice to see you again, I was convinced you have forgotten about us", one of the two of women said, she was dark with short and black kinky hair, she was averagely tall and slender. She had on the orphanages T-shirt with some jeans, she looked to be in her mid thirties.

"There's no way I can forget about you guys or the kids Grace, you should know me better than that", Cole replied.

"I'm just happy you found your way back here", Grace said.

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