Chapter 44

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I heard a slight knock on my door that shot me back into reality, I looked up from the imaginary hole my eyes had burned into my bedroom floor from staring at it so long.

My heart weighed heavily in my chest giving me this choking feeling that I was desperate to get rid of yet I found it rather relaxing.

I still hadn't come to terms with the fact I was leaving today, the only thing that made it real were the thousands of farewell texts blowing up my phone and the pile of suitcases at the end of my bed, I didn't want to think about it, I wasn't ready to acknowledge it.

Maybe if I ignore it long enough, it'll go away, I thought.

I agreed with my inner thoughts and snapped my eyes shut as tightly as I could, silently wishing for the appearance of a fairy godmother to grant this request.

Knock, knock.

Nope, still there, try harder, I willed.

Knock, knock, knock.

Please go away, I whispered.

"Belle? Are you awake?", a voice called out.

Instantly my eyes snapped open and my head whipped around to the door, I recognized the voice in an instant and got up to go open it for the person, I wasn't in the mood to talk but maybe a conversation would distract my conflicted mind.

I opened the door and came face to face with my father, "Hi dad", I whispered out.

I suddenly felt a wave of sad emotions wash over me and soon my vision blurred, my dad noticed and he smiled sympathetically at me, "Gum bug", he whispered back.

I wailed at the sound of his childhood nickname for me and collapsed in his arms, I cried into his white collared shirt and held on to him like I was afraid to let go, "I know honey, I know", he soothed.

We stood like that for about a minute as my emotions got in check, once I was calm, my dad held me as we slowly walked into my room and sat on my bed, "I'm sorry about that", I apologized for his ruined shirt.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything honey, I know its really hard for you to leave so much here but I promise it would get better", my dad assured me.

I nodded at that as I laid my head on his shoulder, "There's nothing more that I want than my families happiness and I know the move has made you anything but happy but I pray one day you'd forgive me for that decision".

"Of course dad, I forgive you, I'm sorry about being hard on you all those years, Pop-pops death was hard for you and I didn't acknowledge that and what you went through, that was selfish of me", I answered looking down to the floor.

"You weren't selfish, you just missed your old man!", he joked which made me giggle, "but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere, I love you gum bug", he smiled down at me.

"I love you too pops", I shot back.

He smiled happily at me as he gave me a forehead kiss while rocking me gently in his arms, "Thank you for that", he sighed out.

I broke out of his embrace and moved to where my suitcases were, "Well, I guess I should get these to the car", I sighed as I went to pick up the largest one.

"While you do that, there are some people downstairs waiting to see you", he said to me.

I scrunched my brows in confusion at that, who would come to see me at nine o'clock in the morning?, "Who is it?", I asked my dad as he made a move to leave my bedroom.

"I'm not sure", he shrugged and he walked out.

On that note my heart rate got incredibly fast at the sudden news, who on earth could come to my home and my father wouldn't know who they are?

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