Chapter 23

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"Could you focus please?", Ian groaned turning to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts about Cole and zoned in on what he was holding, he held two types of cheese in his hands and I pointed at the Muenster Cheese since everyone loves that.

We were at a grocery store trying to get everything we needed to stock up the cabin.

My parents agreed to us going up there three days ago but we weren't allowed to stay for more than four days and we had to do a routine video chat with them every evening.

Ian and I agreed to their terms, not before promising that no 'funny business' would go down.

We got to stocking up the cabin along with some cleaning and renovation as soon as the green light was confirmed.

Ian and I only had two days to get things set so were in a major rush, we spent the entire day cleaning the cabin and coordinating the bedrooms and supplies so everyone would be comfortable.

The only downside to the entire thing was we had to use our own money to stock the fridge.

Ian didn't mind putting down his card but it still made me annoyed at the thought my parents were still punishing me for this after they gave the go ahead.

"Ian, do you think it's a good idea for us to go ahead with this even though mom is clearly against it?", I asked softly.

He turned to me as he pushed the grocery cart before focusing his attention back at the passing racks, "Gumbug you're the one who would be able to answer that, the folks wouldn't always be on our side, but if it's something you want to do and you're confident about, give it your best shot", he winked before picking up a few bags of hamburger buns.

I thought about his answer and he was right, I wanted to spend this time with friends even though Cameron and Reneé aren't here they still wanted me to have fun too.

I hadn't told Cole that we would be spending my birthday at my families cabin, I wasn't entirely sure if he'd be able to make it either.

The only thing he knew was what transpired in my living room a few days ago, I hadn't seen Cole since then but we've texted a lot and planned to meet tonight in my garden, so I couldn't wait for that.

"If you're done daydreaming about your boyfriend now, I would like your help in getting the remainder of this list", Ian deadpanned.

I giggled at him while he gave a teasing smirk, "He is not my boyfriend, we're just friends".

"Sure it always starts that way, get your head out of the clouds for a sec and go get some bacon and meat from the frozen aisles or else we would have a handful of starved men", he commanded.

I saluted playfully at him before walking away while he just chuckled at me, I took a little basket from the pile at the entrance of the grocery store before skipping towards the frozen section.

To be truthful, I had no idea which or what to pick and what was the best but I tried to give off the look that I knew what I was doing.

"Need any help?", a male voice called out in front of me.

I looked up to see a striking yet familiar face, he had a strong build and wore a light grey fitted shirt with blue jeans and trainers, he wore the worker vest of the grocery store which explained his earlier question.

He had black curly hair with slight bushy eyebrows, his chocolate smooth skin was enticing and his brown eyes were hidden behind a pair of clear keen glasses.

He wasn't hot but he was cute, in a nerdy type of way, "Um, Maybe? I'm not exactly used to picking these out", I admitted.

He smiled at me before shoving his hands in his pocket, "It's okay, what exactly are you looking for?".

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