Chapter 31

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I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a white over sized T-shirt and some light purple converse, I walked out of the house noticing that everyone was outside.

It was ten in the morning and all the guys were out in the lake, I didn't take my chances before coming out so I made a quick sandwich to eat so I wouldn't starve out there all day.

As I approached the lake, I watched as Oliver and Elijah tried throwing an unaware Jasmine and Chanel into the water.

Since the weather was scorching at this time of morning, the water wouldn't be as cold as it would have on a normal day, I got to the lake and stood near the dock just in time to see Ian swim out.

He was shirtless and his shorts were drenched so badly that they threatened to fall from his hips.

I giggled at his ridiculous attempt to try and balance them before my eyes landed on an eye wandering Chanel.

I didn't blame her for ogling, Ian had the body of Chris Hemsworth and athletic skills of Zac Efron, He had kinky black hair too that was kept short which he loved, also because my dad doesn't condone guys having long hair.

That's the trait of the Nigerian blood that rushes through our veins.

He smiled my way when he saw me and climbed up the dock jogging down to where I was standing, "Good Morning Sunshine!", he chirped.

I smiled at him as I looked beyond to the figure that was approaching, it was Cole, he had his hands shoved in his pockets, he wasn't in a swim trunk but dressed casually and was taking long fast strides towards a half naked Ben who was stretched out on the bank of the lake before settling beside him.

I sighed inwardly wondering why Cole was mad at me for something I had no idea about, "You okay?".

I turned my attention back to Ian before giving him a forced smile, "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit slow".

He rolled his eyes as if saying he didn't buy that for one minute before he pulled me towards the rest of the guys.

As soon as Jasmine saw me from where she stood on the bank of the lake after being thrown in, she ran towards me but I swerved behind Ian who kept her at bay.

After she was calm Ian stepped aside but I still kept a few feet between us, "How are you doing girl?", She asked me.

I smiled warmly at her never fading bubbly character and nodded my head swiftly, "I could be better, by the way thanks for the gift yesterday, it really means a lot to me".

When I said that, Jasmine dipped her head to the side the same way a confused dog does, "What gift?".

I was a bit surprised she asked that, I was almost convinced it wasn't her nor Elijah who gave me the gift until Eli walked up and whispered something in her ear that made her eyes glow in comprehension.

"Oh that gift!", she laughed rather loudly before placing her cold hands on my shoulder, "You don't have to thank us for anything, it was our pleasure".

Elijah winked my way before guiding Jasmine to sit down, I raised my eyebrows perplexed as to what just took place but I shrugged it off.

I turned to find Ian when my eyes landed on Cole, he was staring at me too but when we made contact he got up and walked off deeper into the woods away from the lake and cabin.

Everyone looked at his direction completely confused as to what was up with him but no one paid it too much mind, I was about going after him when a voice stopped me.

"You should give him some space you know", I turned back to the person none other than Chanel.


She rolled her eyes tiredly at me before sitting a little too close to Ian wearing next to nothing clothes, "I said you should give him some space, if he wanted to talk to you he would have come to you", she said coldly.

I wanted to ignore what she said but a part of me agreed with her that was until my eyes settled on Eli and he gestured for me to go.

"Thanks for the advice but I've got my own", I responded.

I heard her scoff while some of the guys whistled at my answer but I didn't have time to gloat in that moment for now, I had to go settle things with Cole.

I followed him deeper into the woods until he stopped by a creek that connected the lake to a nearby river a couple hundred miles down.

I stood a few feet away from him not knowing how to approach the matter, I meddled with my fingers for a couple of seconds before taking in a deep breath to get the words out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry", I looked to him but his back still faced me not acknowledging what I said, "To be fair I don't know why you're mad at me or what you think you heard, but for whatever it's worth, it's not what you think", still no response.

I walked closer and stood next to him, I looked up at his face and it was stoic completely void of emotion so I couldn't tell what he was feeling but I saw the conflict of emotions in his eyes which showed he was battling with staying mad over nothing that gave him away.

He is insecure.

I agree with you on that.

"Look, the dude you heard me on the phone with, he was not asking me on a date", I felt him look at me at that but I just stared forward, "He is one of my closest friends, he called me to wish me a happy birthday because he couldn't yesterday and he promised to get me a gift when next we see".

I turned to him to find him still staring at me and I moved closer to stand in front him as I placed my hands on his shoulders.

I felt him relax at that as I gave a small smile in return, "How many more times do I have to tell you I love you for you to believe me?", I whispered.

I cupped his face and he rubbed in into my palm giving a breath of contempt with closed eyes, when he opened them, I could see the vulnerability in them, the emotions were so raw and pure I was totally convinced he wasn't faking his feelings for me.

"Go out with me".

I blinked a few times to process his words, "What?".

"Go out with me, tonight, please?", he beckoned.

I was completely stunned and had to shake my head to order my thoughts, "Wh-Where or h-how are we going to do that?", I stuttered.

He smiled softly before taking a few steps back, "Leave that to me miss Belle".

It took me a second but I gave in and smiled back at him, he held out his hand and I placed mine in his as we walked back to the rest of the guys hands interwoven, they were getting ready to head inside by the time we got to them.

As we approached I couldn't avoid the look of pure rage on Chanel's face as I came back with a smiling Cole beside me. There was an aura of victory around me and I walked passed her with my head held high.

Belle- 1, Chanel-0

Game on.

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