Chapter 21

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As long as I can remember my Nana has been a constant person in my life, other than my parents she was the only person I could depend on.

When we were younger, Ian and I never got along, if anything we argued so much people around us didn't believe we were related.

That all changed when my Nana sat us down and taught us the importance of family and how ones family can be wiped off the face of the earth in an instant and we will end up regretting not having a relationship.

That is somewhat what my dad is facing now, Nana came to every important school event of mine even the unnecessary ones.

School games, graduation, spelling bees, book reports, career day, conventions etc, you name it, she was there.

Everyone at school thought she was my mom and that she had me at an old age and that Ian was probably adopted.

I would never forget the look on my principals face when I got into the trouble the first time in school and they had to call in my parents.

When he saw them, he was speechless for a good minute before he got a word out, it was the best thing to happen to me that day.

My mum was an upcoming fashion designer when I was growing up, she had a plan of getting her career on track after getting married and having kids since she had her college degree, so she interned for various fashion industries and barely spent any time at home which made me miss her.

My dad tried filling places she could not but every little girl needed her mother, talk less of both parents.

That was how my Nana and I got so close, I needed a motherly figure and my Nana stepped in at that.

Nana helped me with school and projects while my dad took Ian and I on weekend trips to get our minds off things.

He taught me how to play basketball and video games alongside self defense, he made sure he always came home so we still had the presence of a parent, which eased things for me growing up.

Just like every fairytale there is always a sad twist to things.

My Pop-pop and dad never got along, my dad was forced to inherit the families company at a young age and he had no personal interest in running the business.

My pop-pop owned a successful construction company and that wasn't what my dad wanted, he wanted to be a cardiologist and my grandfather didn't agree to it.

So my dad did what every rebellious teenager would have done, after he inherited half of the company he started studying medicine and business management on the side.

By the time Pop-pop found out, my dad was already a certified heart surgeon with a business degree which made Pop-pop livid about the former.

For a good three years they never said a single word to each other, just occasional grunts and strained handshakes to please the media, even though we lived in the same house they were still cold to one another.

My father didn't let me bother about it and my mom on the other hand was working on a fashion line she wanted to release during that period so she was no help there.

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