Chapter 32

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I spoke too soon, I shouldn't have gloated neither should I have gotten on that bitches nerve but I did and now I'm paying for it.

Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut and my ego locked?

At least that'll have been better than going through what I was hearing right now.

I don't know if that was Chanel's plan but if it was, she definitely won this round.

I was helping Ian prepare dinner when he asked me to go call down the guys, I had called everyone except Chanel and Jasmine when the boys told me they were in Jasmine and Elijahs room.

I was only a couple of steps away from the door when I overheard their discussion, I wasn't planning on eavesdropping neither was I interested in wanting in on their gossip, but my mind changed when they mentioned Coles name.

I stopped dead in my tracks and leaned against the wall, I was hoping they didn't hear my approaching footsteps as the door was wide open, when I was sure they didn't, I leaned in closer towards the door to hear what they were talking about.

"So he still hasn't acknowledged it?", Jasmine asked.

"No he hasn't, he is just okay pretending that nothing happened whilst chasing after a useless fairytale with that child", I scoffed at her insult.

Was that the best she could do?

"He even had the nerve to write her a song! Can you believe that? I was the one who stood by him all those months and not once did he tell me he loves me but at some stupid bonfire he fucking spills it out!", she ranted.

I wasn't sure how she knew Cole wrote me a song but her pettiness was reaching cloud hundred.

"I don't think she's all you're making her out to be Chanel, she's pretty cool you're just not willing to give her a chance".

"There's no chance to give her! You're just saying that because you naturally like everybody and you want me to get over Cole", Chanel argued.

"Yes I do want you to get over Cole, he is clearly over yo-".

"Don't", Chanel growled at Jasmine, "Don't you dare complete that sentence, Cole loves me, I know he does, if he doesn't why would he spend all that time with me on the trip we went on at the start of summer?".

I was confused at what she meant at first until my mind wandered to the time Cole told me he went on a trip with some friends, that particular week I didn't see him, so that's who he was with?

I felt something in me break at that but I didn't let the emotion consume me as I listened on.

"What trip did you guys go on?", Jasmine asked truly confused.

I thought I guessed wrong about all of them going for the trip when Chanel sighed tiredly, "Jasmine, try and remember, the trip that Ben planned for us when summer started, that you and Eli got those matching tattoos".

It was quiet for a second until I heard a knowing gasp, "Oh that trip! I'm sorry I spaced for a second", Jasmine replied.

"Are your thoughts getting more jumbled Jazz?", Chanel whispered.

"I'm fine, I really am, I'm hungry why don't we go get something to eat?".

I stilled at that and frantically thought of what to do or where to hide when I decided to just roll with the flow.

I straightened myself and cleared my face of any emotion and plastered on a fake smile before bouncing into the room.

"Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that dinners ready, Ian's and I's special!", I chirped.

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