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That's a wrap people!


I am so happy as to how far this book has come, I worked so hard and pushed my imaginative mind to a point I didn't even know it could reach.

I spent nights playing out different scenes and scenarios of this book and I decided for it to be one that explained Belle's troubled times, her family, her relationships and her journey.

Most books I read that are romance mostly have happy endings but I wanted a book where not only was it focused on the couple but on the situation around them.

The reality of things and stuff that actually pan out in real life.

Again Lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I loved writing it and you never know, there might be a chance of Belle and Cole reuniting.

The future is never clear!

I do plan on continuing their story but that solely depends on how well this book goes, I hope you loved reading it and stay tuned to more books by me soon to come!

Stay safe Lovelies❤️!!!

If you love my cover and banners they were made by nine other than Ghost_Ocean15 ! Thank you again love!❤️

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