Chapter 22

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My birthday is in five days and I have no idea what to do.

I have been so spaced out with everything going on that my own birthday actually slipped from my mind and I never forget it, no matter my internal state.

After my Nana got discharged and she was deemed fit to move around on her own again and go out, Cole and I went on an official date.

It was magical and everything that I wanted, he took me to a Japanese park called Shinzen Japanese Park.

It was beautiful and more than I expected, we went there at night and I had no choice but to let loose and have fun.

The night was filled with us singing, making Snapchat videos, dancing and playing under the cherry trees in the park.

Never in a million years would I have imagined Cole to be such a softie and never would I have thought he was in love with Ariana Grande, he always looked too laid back to be bothered, boy was I wrong.

I laughed my ass out when he confessed to me, even though he was all too serious about it.

My dad took the fact I went out with Cole rather well, all he talked to Cole about was how he should treat his daughter right and that he wouldn't hesitate to hunt Cole down if I as much as shed a tear on his case.

Other than that, everyone else were completely fine with the fact Cole and I were going out, even Ian was happy for us and became friends with him.

When I wasn't with Cole, he and Ian would either play video games or go out bowling, Cole and I aren't official but we were taking things slow.

My dad and I got all our feelings out a few days after we left the hospital and he apologized for not being there and that when he realized it, it was too late for him to do anything to get me back.

I accepted his apology but we are still working on our relationship.

Three weeks later and I am sitting at my reading table with my head in my hands wondering what I was going to do for my birthday.

I was turning seventeen and it wasn't a big deal, but I wanted to celebrate this one because I was finally home.

It's been a month and two weeks since we got out of school too, Reneé Cameron and I video chat when we can but their families keep them wrapped up in so many activities lately I rarely get to here from them except from the occasional photos they send me.

My mind went back to the outline  in front of me that I had on ideas for my birthday when one popped in my head.

Coles friends and I, except Chanel, have been texting me a lot since we exchanged numbers and I was thinking that going up to my family's cabin in the woods would be a great gateway for my birthday.

I had always wanted to go there with friends because of the scenery and the large hot tub in the back, what better excuse to do that than my birthday and also spend some full alone time with Cole.

Armed with enough excuses and plausible cause, I marched downstairs with my binders and all to sit with my parents who were lounging on the living room couch.

I sat directly in front of them blocking their view of the tv to gain their attention, once they focused on me, I ran down my plans for my birthday, the amount of people I was going with and the reasons why I should do it.

Once I laid out everything and I was sure they weren't going to say no I waited patiently for their response.

"No", they said unified.

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