Chapter 24

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"Okay, you haven't said a word to me in twelve hours", Ian complained barging into my room, "Point taken, now spill it out".

I peeked my eyes open to glance at my bedside clock, it was two in the morning and I had only begun my slumber.

Throughout dinner, I avoided Ian and it made him uncomfortable, he tried talking to me but I ignored him.

I guess he finally gave into my trap.

I sighed before sitting up on my bed and turning on my bedside lamp, I looked at him as I patted down the spot next to me for him to lay on, he jumped on my bed facing me.

Silence filled my room for about a minute before I blurted it out, "Why on earth was that devil queen with you? You are the one who went all crazy on me for talking to her, now the next time I see her with you, you guys are all cozied up and she was holding your hand and you never like people touching you ever", I ranted out of breath.

"Relax Pooh bear", he soothed, "Chanel and I are just friends".

I instantly froze, I slowly turned my head to him and the look on his face told me he knew he'd replied with the wrong answer, "Friends? How much have you been keeping from me?".

He sighed before sitting up leaning his head against the headboard, "After that day, I met her at a restaurant where dad and I had lunch, she apologized about that day and I told her it was fine", he shrugged, I squinted my eyes at him wanting him to continue.

"She came unto me about wanting to make it up to me so I gave her my number, ever since then we've been texting a lot, I just saw her for the first time since that today so no I haven't been meeting up with her".

I groaned at his explanation but I didn't want to pry, Ian could take care of things and I wasn't going to tell him who to hang out with or talk to.

"Okay then, but just be careful with her, she's Coles ex you know".

He nodded at me and didn't seem surprised at the piece of information I gave him, "I know, Cole mentioned it during one of our Bowling reps, he also mentioned that she worked there part time and we talked about it".

I was stunned at his coolness but I didn't pay much mind to it, I gave him a half smile before clearing out the doubts I had in my head, if anyone could get himself out of girl drama, Ian could.

"Alright dipshit, we're good now, get out of my room", I said turning over to switch my lamp off so I could get some sleep.

I heard him chuckle before I felt weight lift off my bed, he drew my covers over my shoulder before wishing me goodnight, he walked out of my room closing the door gently behind him.

I was about drifting off to sleep when I heard my phone buzz indicating I got a text, I groaned at the sound before reaching for it.

I unlocked it squinting at the brightness which almost blinded me in the dark room, I sat up instantly seeing the text was from Cole.

Cole: Surely you haven't forgotten about me so soon miss Belle.

I let out a short gasp.

I totally forgot we were to meet up, I checked the time and it was going on three am.

I jumped off throwing my covers to the side to get out of bed as I slipped on my uggs while grabbing my house robe from the back of my bedroom door.

I walked out of my room putting on the robe and tiptoed down the hall towards the stairs to the dark kitchen, I almost made it to the back door when the lights suddenly switched on.

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