Chapter 45

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They say home is where the heart is and not where the body feels comfortable, if that was true then where I lived presently was definitely not my home.

We arrived at our house in San José and I literally dreaded walking in, leaving Fresno felt like I got rid of a kidney and I'm learning how to survive on the other one.

The only uphill to being back was seeing Reneé and Cameron later this evening, I got their texts when I landed and we all planned to meet at our favorite spot this evening, the iJava Cafe.

I dragged my suitcases up the stairs and to my room, walking through the empty house, a chilling feeling descended on me, not just because the house was a bit dusty and cold due to the fact it was locked up for three months, but the chilling feeling was like something bad was about to happen.

I shrugged off the negative thoughts as I focused on getting my bags to my room successfully.

When I did, I sat down heavily on my bed and looked around it, compared to my bedroom in Nana's house, this room was more bland.

It had white and grey walls with a few posters of Charlie Puth and Deff Leppard, the bed had white sheets with matching covers and pillowcases.

The side tables were also white and the only spot of color was my vanity table and reading desk which were grey and brown respectively.

I sighed out at the dull colors, they were already dampening my mood and I planned to do a little decorating one of the weekends to come to get the color up.

I never really noticed how depressing my room was, I guess going back to my hometown opened my eyes to a lot of things.

I got off my bed and got to sorting out my suitcase when my phone dinged with a new text message, I rummaged around for it until I found it in the outer pocket of my backpack.

I pulled it out to read the text only to blush on seeing the person who texted me.

Cole: I hope you got home safely, I already miss you and you've only been gone four hours, I'm not really sure how I'm going to cope over the next few months but I'll manage. Text me when you get this, I love you.

I squealed at the texts ending as I did a twirl before collapsing back first into my bed, I smiled happily to the ceiling as I kicked my feet ecstatically.

Yeah, this was going to be an amazing school year, at the thought of school my mood visibly dampened.

My school wouldn't open until Wednesday because they wanted their students to spend Labor Day at home so being it Monday I was happy I had a day or two to myself.

A nerving thought struck me and I realized this time around I would be resuming as a final year senior, I was going to be off to college after this school year.

This is the year that is detrimental to my education, I can't afford any screw ups or i'll be working at McDonald's for life and that's not what I want.

I sighed heavily as my mind was able to race through different things in less than a minute, before I got too side tracked, I took out my phone to call Cole, I mean why not.

I put the device to my ear and the line rang three times before he picked it up, "Hello?", he breathed heavily.

I was confused as to why his breathing sounded so labored, it made me uneasy as to what he might be doing, "Hey you, just calling to say I got your text", I replied.

Why on earth did I sound like a depressed pony?

"Belle? Damn I didn't even check the caller ID, hey baby, you good?", he asked me.

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