Chapter 20

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I was on my bed replaying the entire kiss with Cole from this afternoon, I couldn't stop giggling to myself as I touched my lips over and over.

I felt like a five year old on a sugar rush, and I loved it.

After Cole left, I ran back in the house through the kitchen as soon as my dad stepped into the living room with my Nana, I ran to give her a hug and I sent a smile my dads way, he was rather shocked that I did that but I was still giddy from the kiss I had and I was determined nobody would ruin the moment for me.

We had dinner and conversed about our day, thankfully my mum didn't mention anything but she sent me a look as if saying she saw what happened in the garden and I knew our discussion would come soon.

Ian and I played a few games after that before I signed off for an early night.

I swayed all the way to my bedroom with so much excitement bubbling within me, all I wanted to do was talk to Cole again and inhale the rich scent of his that mirrored that of my Nana's.

Just when I was thinking of texting him, my phone started ringing.

I absentmindedly grabbed it, collapsing on my bed before answering the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello", I sang.

"Someone's in a good mood", the person replied.

I recognized his voice instantly and the huge smile on my face grew even bigger at the sound of his voice as I rolled to my side to get more comfortable.

"That I am, to what do I owe this pleasure Mister".

He chuckled at my response, "I'm glad you are, I called to ask if you'd be down to go out this Friday".

"Are you asking me on a date or is this another tag along?".

I heard him let out a wild laugh,"Well yes", my heart bursted with joy before he spoke again,"I promise this time it's just us two, besides I didn't think you would want to be in the same room with Chanel again".

You're right about that.

"Okay I'm down, sounds promising, but wait you never got to tell me your point of coming over this afternoon".



"I wanted to see you again, agreed that's a lame excuse but I wanted to make sure you were okay and to find out if I had you killed or not".

I laughed at his last statement remembering the last comment I made to him on that, I pulled the covers over my head to muffle our conversation in the quiet house in case anyone was listening in.

"Well as you saw, I am very much alive and intact, I never got to say it yesterday but I had fun, I would love to do that again, minus the Chanel part that is".

It was his turn to laugh before we both fell silent, I rarely hear him laugh but every time he does it's like a slow symphony in my ears that I want to put on replay.

"I should leave you now miss Belle, I would love to talk all night but I'm guessing you need your sleep".

Something told me to sit up and look out my window, when I did I saw Cole sitting at his window staring directly at me with his phone put to his ear.

I smiled at him before giving a subtle wave, he waved back before saying something.

"You are a beautiful person Belle, both in and out, don't let anyone tell you or make you feel differently, goodnight".

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