Chapter 3

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We dropped off Cameron at the school yard so he could get his car, I settled into the passengers seat as Reneé pulled out of the school parking lot while waving excitedly to a maxed out Cameron who only managed a small wave.

I shook my head at my friends cuteness as I scrolled through my phone for the perfect playlist that matched my current mood.

I took out my earplugs after I found the perfect one so I could plunge myself into my imaginative world of unrealistic things but I never got there because the car suddenly took a hard left turn in the opposite direction of my house causing me to slam into my door.

"Uh.. what are you doing?" I asked her utterly confused and in slight pain.

"You're leaving for Fresno tomorrow and I'm not going to see you your stupid face for the next 3 months, pardon me if I want to spend a couple more hours with my best friend", I stilled at what she said, not really warming up to the tag she blurted out.

"Close friend", she corrected, her attention back on driving.

She knows how much I value friendships and the title given to each one, I've never had a best friend aside from my Nana.

I know how ridiculous that sounds but it's just easier for me, teenagers change and old people don't.

My Nana has been with me through it all and she's the one constant block aside from my mum and brother and I cherish our relationship so much that giving another person that best friend title feels like I'd be betraying her.

So ever since I was a little kid, I've never had a best friend before, thankfully Reneé is really understating in that area and she respects my decision. I couldn't be more appreciative and protective of her.

"So where exactly are we going?", I later asked.

She just smirked at me and faced forward, "You'll see", She replied coolly.

And with that she waved her hand to silence my questions and I didn't ask any further. Fifteen minutes later we arrived at a popular children and dog park five miles away from my home. 

Yeah I know, I'm precise.

I got out of the car and closed the door in a completely confused state, walking behind Reneé I couldn't help the puzzled look on my face and she noticed.

The place felt really familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it, then Reneé suddenly stopped in her tracks causing me to bump into her, I gave her a confused look at that wondering what was going on with her.

"You don't remember this place do you?", She asked me in a Jedi tone that was laughable.

"No I don't", I responded without any hesitation not wanting her to hear my underlying laughter, for her to have brought me here it most have a significance to us both.

She chuckled at that and pointed to a bench where a mother was trying to get mud off her sons jeans, "That's exactly where I met you for the first time and found you crying on the bench", she said to clear my confusion.

Then it all came back to me.

I came here once when I had a fallout with my dad about moving us here so suddenly, I ran out of the house and stopped at the park bench when I got tired of running and also because I felt I'd get lost, as soon as I caught my breath I was overwhelmed by all the emotions swirling on the inside and I just let loose.

It was bad enough I lost a grandparent during that time but the sudden move was the final blow and the confusion about how to react or what to do next left me scared for the future.

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