Chapter 5

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I woke up to the cringing sound of my alarm clock, I groaned and turned to the other side away from it and covered my head with a pillow, but no matter how much I tried it kept ringing and I was wondering why it was when it hit me, literally.

I rubbed the hand that the alarm clock landed on when the reason it was on the top of my bed crossed my mind.

My eyes flew open as I shot up in bed, I looked around trying to gather myself and my eyes landed on the luggage by my bedroom door, that's when the activities of last night rushed through me, I packed up my remaining luggage and placed my alarm clock on the shelf over my bed so I'd have no choice but to get up to shut the alarm, the day was here.

Its finally happening!

I got out of bed and rushed out my room to Ian's door, I kept knocking and yelling his name until he answered. A few seconds later, a disheveled Ian answered the door looking entirely confused and a tad bit annoyed.

"Top of the morning to you too", he said with a grim sleepy voice.

He walked into his room towards his bed leaving the door open for me, he plopped down face forward on it and was about dozing off again when I started shoving his tired figure.

"Ian! Get up! We've gotta get ready now if we want to beat traffic and not miss our flight!", I said as I attacked him with his own pillow.

As soon as I said that he shot up and mumbled something incoherent to me before rubbing his eyes and walking towards his closet.

"Okay okay I'm up, now you go get ready", he commanded.

I didn't even let him finish his statement before I raced out his room and to the bathroom feeling a little sense of victory, "You snooze you loose!", I yelled slamming the door behind me.

"We have different bathrooms Sherlock", he replied.

Oops my bad.


An hour later, I was bundling all my luggage down the stairs towards Ian's truck, when I got out I noticed that my dads car wasn't in the driveway. It wasn't much of a surprise to me really, the dude was never home for more than five hours, the fact that he was home all night is still a mystery to me, I put the last of my luggage in the cargo bed of the truck and headed back in the house.

I followed the scent of bacon and eggs to the kitchen and found Ian already making me a plate, I sat at the kitchen table just in time for him to set the plate in front of me.

"Eat up nugget", he said with a plastered smile.

I didn't waste any time before digging in and savoring the delicious taste of the seasoned bacon and eggs.

"Dad said he'd meet us at the airport with mum that he had to go get something before leaving", he said reading off a sticky note.

I just rolled my eyes at that and continued eating my breakfast wondering why Ian bothered to tell me. Trust my dad to act cowardly and not tell his kids straight to their faces that he had to leave right before their flight took off.

Yet he wonders why I want nothing to do with him.

I finished up the remaining of my breakfast and teased Ian for being such a good cook, we washed up all the dirty plates and after ensuring that all the doors were locked and windows shut we left the house and locked the front door.

The entire forty minute drive to the airport was filled with us vibing to different songs on the radio and making silly videos which I sent to Reneé, as soon as we pulled into the airport parking lot, where my brothers truck would be for the rest of the summer, my mum called me and told us to hurry up that our flight was departing in less than an hour.

It was like a race against time, Ian and I grabbed our bags and ran towards the entrance so fast I felt we would have mortified Usian Bolt.

We checked our bags in and registered Ian's truck, thankfully there wasn't such a long line for us to get through so we were able to catch up with mum before most people boarded at the gatehouse where our flight was departing, when we got to her, she first gave her 'big baby boy' a crushing hug before kissing all over my face.

We boarded the plane without my father in sight and just when I thought he wasn't going to fly in with us, his tall dark self appears clad in all black like a true business man that he was and walked towards me, the sad part was that the seat next to me was meant for him and I wanted to melt into a puddle.

I turned around to the person behind my seat to ask him to switch places with me, hoping that his big brother sense will come into action, but the idiot already plugged his ears and refused to look at me.

Stiffly, my dad sat down next to me and I refused to acknowledge him so I just looked out the window. Now one thing I didn't like to admit to my parents was that I hated flying and I was terribly afraid of heights, as soon as the plane was ready to take off I started trembling badly and my dad grabbed my hand in an attempt to calm me.

I yanked my hand out of his so fast the ascending plane was the least of my worries, I looked him dead in the eye and he just looked right back at me. I folded my hands and just closed my eyes until the plane was in the air, once it was balanced I let out a shaky breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"I never knew you were afraid this much", my dad stated cooly.

"What do you mean?", I didn't want to ask but I was curious.

"Well the only other time you've been in the air was when we first moved here and the last flight took a toll on you too, I thought you'd outgrow it by the next time you had to but I guess you didn't", he looked at me at that last part and I was wondering where he was going with all his blabbing.

I looked away from him and stared out the window to try and focus on the scenery below but that was a major mistake, I turned away from the sight and focused instead on the small screen in front of me.

Just when I was getting comfortable sitting with him and planning on ignoring his presence the entire short flight, he dropped a neck pillow in my lap.

I turned to him to ask why but he beat me to it, "I might not be your favorite person in the world right now, but I really do care about you".

Then I looked down at the pillow and realized it had a built in massager, that was when I remembered my first flight experience.

We were moving to San José from Fresno and the entire flight made me edgy and left me with neck cramps for almost a week. My mum said it's probably because I wasn't used to flying and also because I kept nodding off in sleep on the short flight, he had his Bluetooth earpiece on him the entire time as he was being filled in my his employees on matters about the company that I honestly thought he didn't even notice or found about the conversation with my mom but he did.

I looked at him stunned, so that's the thing he had to go get this morning? I wanted to ask him about it but his eyes were already closed and head laid back like he wanted to sleep.

I didn't bother him further and I just kept my thoughts to myself, a little while later I put the neck pillow on and cozied in for what was going to be a short flight. We wouldn't even be flying if my dad just agreed to driving us there but here we are, I managed to doze off for the entire flight.

That was the first time I ever enjoyed flying! Even though it was my second time.

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