Chapter 26

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I rolled to the opposite side of my bed from where my alarm was going off, why did I set it in the first place? I thought to myself.

I groaned at the ear pitching sound of it and chose to ignore it, I grabbed a pillow and placed it over my head to drown out the sound.

Just when I was succumbing to sleep I heard my door burst open and my covers were yanked off of me, I didn't bother to check who it was knowing it was my idiot of a brother.

"Happy Birthday Princess!", he yelled which made me groan even louder at how obnoxiously loud his voice was.

I inwardly smiled at his greeting but my happiness was short lived, in less than a second I was drenched with freezing cold water that would probably leave me diagnosed with hypothermia.

I shot up on my now wet bed and took in my state, my pillow and clothes were drenched and half my bed resembled the ocean, to make things worse there were cubes of Ice scattered on my floor and bed, at the sight of them I instantly started shivering.

I looked up at the cause of this mayhem and he had the audacity to smile at me, "A good wake up call, no?", he asked.



Two hours later I was skipping out of my house with a limping Ian behind me, I had the best birthday breakfast courtesy of my mum and my Nana gave me a treasured necklace of hers as my birthday present.

I was currently rocking it with a cute white and yellow summer dress matched with tennis shoes.

I was humming to myself taking in the beautiful scenery and rays of the Fresno sun while Ian was mumbling to himself, I turned around to face him and he defensively took three steps back.

"Are you alright dear brother? You seem to have a weird walk this morning", I teased.

He shot me a glare before limping past me to the drivers side of the SUV, I shrugged at his response not before giggling to myself.

I got into the car and we were off.

My dad left for work before I got up and left a note with my mum for us to meet him at his office, why he said that I wasn't exactly sure.

I was half expecting to find a huge gift at the foot of my bed from my dad but I woke up to no such luck, instead we are going to a boring office filled with stoic faced people.

What a day.

Ian and I agreed to meet up with Cole and his friends at the Central Park once we were done so we could head to the cabin, that way there wouldn't be any need for us to rush back home.

An hour later we pulled into the parking lot of the building, I hadn't been on the inside of it, the only person to see it was my brother.

I guess there is a first time for everything.

I hopped out of the car and walked closely behind Ian, as if on reflex, he pushed me behind him so I was shielded from prying eyes as we passed.

I wasn't one who liked being the centre of attention or stared at and I loved that Ian supported me.

Soon we were in the elevator and approaching the top floor, once we got off, we were directed into my dads office where he was waiting for us.

I walked in ahead of Ian and I saw my dad in his element, his face looked downcast and serious, like you couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling.

His glasses sat on the bridge of his nose as he glanced through folders of papers, his dark skin didn't look like it got much sun being a man who was always out.

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