Chapter 25

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I woke up later that morning as groggier than ever, after Cole and I's escapade last night I couldn't get much sleep so I stayed up binging Netflix.

I was about taking a shower when my phone buzzed with a text from Reneé, my eyes instantly cleared at that, I hadn't spoken to her in so long and I was starting to miss her lousy self a whole bunch.

Reneé: Hey girl! I hope your birthday will be as lovely as you are, make sure to live it up! Or I would rough you up without a second thought, have a great day!

I smiled at her text, she was probably just signing off after a long day, the time difference has messed up our routine talks so badly it's almost like I didn't hear from her anymore.

I swiped at the message icon so I could play some music before tossing the phone on my bed to take a long deserved shower.

I walked to the living room after freshening up and getting dressed to laze around a bit more, I wasn't that hungry and half of the house was still asleep.

I glanced at the time and it was just seven in the morning, I inwardly groaned at the fact I got up at such an early hour.

I decided to get breakfast ready for everyone to clear my mind for the day, by the time I was setting the plates my father bustled down the stairs dressed up in a suit.

"You're in a bit of a rush this morning", I greeted.

He whipped around to where I was standing before breaking into a smile and walking over to give me a forehead kiss, "I knew I heard rummaging down here, what got you up this early?".

"I couldn't sleep much, so I decided to make breakfast for everyone", I said gesturing to the plates of food set out.

His eyebrows scrunched up in delight before he settled down at his chair to start breakfast, "Is mum still asleep?", I asked him.

"Yeah, she's having a slow morning today, she's got a meeting to discuss her next release".

I nodded my head his way before walking back into the kitchen to get the jug of orange juice, when I walked back out, my entire family was already seated at the table stuffing their faces with food.

"I'm happy to see you guys wouldn't start without me, even though I'm the reason there is food in your mouths", I sourly commented.

There was a response of apologetic grunts but that was about it, I settled down with them to eat and we all discussed what today's plans were holding for us before everyone went their separate ways.

I cleared up the table just as my mums car was pulling out of the driveway, my dad was going to drop my Nana off at the retirement home on his way to work and Ian was allowed to stay home today since my birthday getaway was tomorrow and all.

I wasn't all too excited to turn a new age, I was happy for life yes but it wasn't as thrilling as I thought it was going to be, probably because of all the events that has taken place in the last few weeks and with the weird dream of Nana and Cole weighing on my mind.

I was bored out of reality as I flipped through different channels while lounging on the couch.

Just when I was dozing off into a well deserved nap I hear a loud knock on the front door that startled me to land face first on the carpeted floor.

"Why the fuck is this person knocking?", I whispered to myself.

I didn't make an effort to move, not because I was scared to, but because I was too tired to move.

I heard the fast pace of footsteps which indicated Ian was going to get the door, I was about sitting back up on the couch when the voice of the visitor stilled me in place.

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