Chapter 42

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"Nigga stop right fucking now!", Ian screamed.

Cole was currently doing a forty on the streets, whizzing in between cars and other trucks.

He was going so fast I thought we were going to crash into something, I half expected us to be chased down by cops by now but none of them were in sight.

"Cole! You need to stop or you're going to kill us all!", Kenzie tried reasoning.

Cole wasn't listening, if anything our screams even fueled his anger, he gripped the staring wheel until his knuckles turned white and his foot kept pressing down on the accelerator.

He swerved right into another street causing all of us to collide with each other in the back seat, my head came in contact with the window I sat next to with a chilling thud and my vision went white for a second.

I groaned out in pain at the impact and Ian whipped around to me with concern in his eyes, he turned back to Cole and grabbed him by the blazer, "YOU BETTER STOP THIS MOTHERFUCKING CONTRAPTION BEFORE YOU KILL MY SISTER OR IM GONNA SMOKE YOUR ASS!", Ian growled.

At the sound of my name Cole slammed on the brakes and the sound of screeching tires and the mixture of burning rubber with asphalt filled my nostrils.

The stench was revolting and intoxicating, I wanted to stop but I couldn't.

Soon the truck came to a halt and I heard a door yank open and slam shut, seconds later mine opened up as someone lifted me out, "You okay?", the person asked.

My vision came into focus and I saw it was Ian, I moaned at the numbing pain and nodded at him, he let out a relieved sigh but that all changed when a remorseful Cole hopped out.

"You prick!", Ian growled lunging at Cole.

I wasn't quick enough to stop Ian so I was left to watch as his fist connected with Coles jaw with a blood curling crack, with the impact of that punch it was definitely going to leave a bruise.

Cole didn't fight back but let Ian do what he had to do, before Ian landed another punch, Alistair jumped in between them shoving them both back making Ian almost bump into me and Cole slam into the side of his truck.

"That's enough! We do not need this from the both of you!", he yelled staring both guys down, "You both have already caused enough damage and it's going to end right here, right now!", he huffed.

I could hear Ian's labored breathing from where he stood next to me while Cole couldn't even take his eyes off the ground, he had a forming bruise where Ian punched him and I could see the trickle of blood down the side of his mouth.

"You guys need to stop acting like a bunch of douches and think before you move! No more punches are going to be thrown and no more speedy cars", Alistair pointed to each of them respectively.

I remained quiet as I continued watching Cole willing him to look at me but he only gave a subtle shake of his head, he was embarrassed.

I let out a shaky breath as I turned to Kenzie who stood a few feet from Cole and asked her for help, she nodded once and turned to Alistair.

"Okay, as fun as that was, we need to listen to Ali, we're literally parked in the middle of the street and if we don't move soon the cops are going to be called on us", Kenzie reasoned, "Thankfully Paul Walker over here brought us to my street, my house is a couple blocks down, how about we go there?", Kenzie asked.

"There's no need for that-".

"Yeah I wasn't asking", Kenzie cut off Ian as she sashayed away dragging Alistair by the arm.

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