Chapter 13

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He texted me. He actually texted me.

Why is that such a big deal? I helplessly thought.

A guy who is not my brother or indirect best friend texted me. Realization dawned on me at the thought and I stared dumbfounded at Coles text, it was a simple hey but that alone got my heart racing.

"Hello! Earth to Belle, are you with me?", a voice called out.

I blinked a few times on hearing the voice wondering where it came from, I was on my bed and tried focusing on the annoyed woman on my phone screen when I saw and remembered that I was on a FaceTime with Reneé.


I totally spaced out, I started stuttering because I didn't know what to tell her.

I hadn't exactly told her about Cole because she has been so busy but now I couldn't help the feeling that I was lying to her.

"Spit it out Matthews", she demanded.

I wanted to tell her so bad but I couldn't bring myself to, not because I was scared but because she was a cup of reality that I wasn't ready to have a drink from.

I wanted to enjoy this fantasy fairytale with Cole even when I knew deep down it wasn't going to last.

"I-it's n-nothing, I just got a news update about a bombing in Iraq", I sadly choked out.

What kind of excuse was that?!

I inwardly cringed at my lame attempt for an excuse and hoped Reneé didn't pick that up.

"Right", she stretched out, "Since when did you get news updates? You're never even up to par by activities in school".

"Well you know, a girls gotta get current with her surroundings someday, you never know when little information can save you", I responded frantically.

The look she gave me showed she wasn't buying my story but thankfully she let it slip and went on to fill me on her last week and a half.

Even as I was listening to her I couldn't stop my mind from wandering how my 'hang out' with Cole was going to be like tomorrow.

Through out the rest of the weekend, Cole never texted me until now and I didn't bother him either. He probably wanted to confirm if I was still down for it, I wonder where we are gonna go.

It feels like forever since I've been home it's almost like I've been out of the current in this town, which is hypothetically true.

I focused back on our video chat and just kept nodding my head and throwing in little surprised gasps along with a few frowns at what Reneé was saying even though I had no idea what she was talking about, I didn't dare tell her to start over or it'll just confirm her suspicions.

We spent the next two hours on the phone before we disconnected and I got ready for bed.

I snuggled in under the covers after taking a shower, getting my phone from the night stand when I decided to respond to Coles text, silently praying he hadn't fallen asleep yet.

Me: Hi, I'm glad to see you actually use your phone.

I looked at the text before sending it and I cringed just by reading that again, I deleted that and constructed another one.

Me: Hey! Looks like you got around to using my digits huh?

What the actual fuck! What was I doing!

I quickly erased that too before lowering my phone to my side and stared at the ceiling thinking of what to text back, it has to be simple yet inviting, so I did just that.

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