Chapter 48

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It's been a month since school resumed and a whole lot of freaky shit has gone down, let me get you up to speed.

Reneé and Cameron aren't on speaking terms, don't even get me started.

Fleur for some reason has found a way to etch into my private life, she has gotten so close to Reneé and I that they even started hanging out without me.

Fleur was completely different from the girl I met on the first day, she told me she only wore glasses that day because she couldn't find her contacts and weirdly, she has managed to appear the least times I needed her to.

I found myself having sleepovers in my house with both her and Reneé, but enough disturbing news, Cole and I have been amazing.

I know I haven't talked about him much but I was trying to keep my distance from him and not miss him so much.

I haven't talked about him to anyone here, the only person that has been getting an earful was Kenzie.

I know it's rude not to tell Reneé but I didn't want to talk to her about my boy trouble since she's been trying so hard not to think about Cameron.

Cameron on the other hand hasn't been handling things quite as well, he has been completely ignoring us, like turning back when he sees us coming down the same hallway ignoring.

I know I said I hated his guts but I hate to admit that I actually miss his stuck up ass, I've left him a bunch of texts and calls for us to meet up but he completely blows me off.

So I decided I wasn't going to be the desperate friend and leave him to his solidarity, he has been focusing more on sharpening up his basketball skills and academics so he could get into USC.

Scouts were said to have been at his last game and I really hope he gets in, not that I care much.

Ian and I have been video chatting a lot, I really miss him and he promised me he would be home early for thanksgiving so he would break the news to my parents.

Thankfully, the schools board was on Ian's side, somehow his teammates got wind of the sketchiness of the situation and vouched for him, Marcus wasn't so lucky.

Personally I hope his sudden news doesn't make my baby brother or sister pop out early, and on that note, my mom took a break from designing and only stuck to affiliates.

Who knew that a middle aged pregnant woman could be so bossy.

That's all for the action that has taken place, with everything going on with me, I might as well make a movie.

The thought of that put an absent minded smile on my face as I opened one of the glass doors to Krispy Kreme.

Fleur texted me that she and Reneé were there and I had to take a dreaded fifteen minute walk from my house to here not wanting her to be alone with my best friend for a second.

"Welcome to Krispy Kreme!", the workers at the counter yelled.

I smiled lightly their way before my eyes landed on the duo who sat a few feet from the front door.

"Hey guys", I called out as I approached them.

"BeeBee! Look what Fleur got me!", Reneé chirped excitedly as she revealed a small pendant with what looked like a tiny diamond embedded in the middle of it.

"Whoa, is that real?", I asked as my hands skimmed over the jewel that was around her neck.

"Yup! At least Fleur said it's real, right?", Reneé asked the gloating girl.

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