Chapter 28

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I was always taught that it was best not to give the enemy reasons to keep taunting you or to push your buttons, my father always said 'Never let them get the best of you or give them the satisfaction that they know how to pull your strings'.

That's exactly what I'll put to use in this case.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath as I felt all eyes on me, I slowly opened them and gave her a smile.

She first looked at me weirdly probably wondering if I was bipolar or something.

I took a few steps back never taking my eyes off of her, "Okay, if you were truly invited, welcome", I started gently, "Why don't we all move inside so we can start this weekend?", I asked cooly, looking at each one of them before turning back to Chanel, "It is my birthday after all".

I gave her a once over before flipping around and walking up to the front door, I didn't give anyone a chance to say anything and soon I heard the trail of footsteps behind me, I wasn't going to let her get to me nor let her win, not on my turf.

I walked into the cabin stopping to take in the rich scent of pinewood and lavender, my Nana and Pop-pop had this place built, the best part about it, is that, it was constructed to suit my Grandmothers taste.

As always every corner had beautiful flowers and plant vines, the walls of the cabin stood out with a fresh new coat courtesy of Ian and I.

It was a two-story, four bedroom cabin with a moderate kitchen and living room space along with a giant hot tub at the back, there were two rooms upstairs and two downstairs, the upper layer was supported by wooden masts that looked weak but were anything but, the living room had a suspended chandelier that made the homey feeling of the cabin standout.

The kitchen was my favorite part, it had a single oven along with a gas cooker and microwave, with a fridge that was in-built.

The living room had a giant in-built shelf that held the flat screen tv, a section of books and dvds along with miniature pots of plants and flowers.

The bedrooms upstairs and downstairs were moderate with a two person bed, a wardrobe and closet stand.

There were only two bathrooms and I suspected fights might break out because of that.

I smiled at the fond memories of times Ian and I were brought here as kids, I was determined, this would be a fun weekend.

"This is awesome", I turned around to see Oliver taking in the scenery, He was the only one yet to see the place.

Chanel on the other hand didn't look all that impressed and I refused to give her any mind, I felt a pair of eyes on me and I turned to see Cole staring at me as he leaned against one of the masts, he managed to make a simple stance look so appealing.

He motioned for me to come closer to him and I smiled gently before making my way.

I was approaching him when someone cut in front of me, "Hey you, didn't know I'd bump into you here", Chanel chirped.

Cole rolled his eyes at her and I giggled as she turned around to glare at me, she shrugged it off and placed her hands on his shoulders, "I was hoping we'd get a lot closer this weekend, you know, finish off what we started a few weeks ago".

Coles demeanor changed instantly and he gave her a murderous look, I was confused as to what she meant and I didn't want to believe it but at the same time I wasn't sure Chanel would stoop that low just to make me jealous.

Before she made anymore moves, Ben came around and took her away even though she protested she wasn't any match for Bens size.

I watched as he dragged an annoyed Chanel away as she eyed me murderously, I turned back to Cole who's eyes were set on the ground.

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