Chapter 30

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Later that night, after everyone had stuffed their faces with food and cake, we gathered in the living room seated in a circle on the floor.

We wanted to play a few games before we called it a night, I would love whatever excuse it took to stay away from Chanel for as long as I can.

I know I was taking things extreme, but she brought out her claws first.

An argument broke out as to which game we should play, we weren't interested in playing board games neither were we interested in playing cup pong or any game that involved alcohol, it was mainly because Ian, Jasmine and I weren't allowed to drink.

"Okay, why don't we tame our minds a bit?", Elijah started, "How about an easy game of truth or dare?".

We all agreed to it before he went to get a half empty bottle of water from the kitchen to use as a stopping needle, "Alright so we know the basic rules, this time no one is allowed to back out", he looked around the circle before setting the bottle, "Unless we concede that it is inappropriate of course".

He spun the bottle and the cap stopped in front of Ben and the bottom in front of Jasmine, Ben groaned scrunching his face while Jasmine just giggled excitedly.

"Truth or Dare?", she asked.


She grumbled at his choice, "You are no fun", she sighed dramatically thinking of what to ask when her eyes lit up, "Do you have a crush on anyone?", she grinned.

The guys made a fuss about her question but said nothing, we waited patiently for Bens answer and I was certain I saw his eyes glance at me for a second before looking away, I couldn't tell if that was purposeful or a nervous act.

"No, I don't, even if I did she's off limits", he replied.

I pouted at his answer, Ben was a really sweet guy and any girl would be lucky to have him, Jasmine just shrugged her shoulders as she spun the bottle.

This time the cap stopped on me and the bottom on Chanel, I was really getting irked by the fact that fate was getting me entangled with this chick a little too much for comfort.

I'm pretty sure I didn't hurt anyone in my present nor past life to warrant this.

"This should be good", Oliver chuckled.

I scowled at him causing him to shut up instantly, "So, ask away", I told her.

She gazed at me for the longest time before stretching back on her arms, "Truth or Dare?".

I didn't know what nasty tricks she had up her sleeve and I wasn't down to play, "Truth", so I chose the safe route.

"A bunch of buzzkills", Ian groaned out.

I rolled my eyes at him turning back to Chanel, "When did you lose your virginity?".

A collection of whoas ensued and I felt the color drain from my face as she asked that, "Excuse me", I sputtered.

She shrugged her shoulders folding her arms, "You heard me".

I couldn't believe that she would stoop so low just to embarrass me, the worst part was I didn't understand what she would get out of this, a better chance with Cole? Why would she bother to ask something so personal.

"I think we should skip that question", Elijah butted in.

Chanel raised cocked a brow at me expecting me to answer, when I didn't she spun the bottle, "Figures", she stated.

I felt my blood boil just watching her, I wanted so badly to rip her fake hair implants right off her head, before any more murderous thoughts could cross my mind, Cole reached out and took my hand in his.

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