Chapter 51

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Ian swerved into Reneé's street and seconds later we pulled up to her gated residence with an ear piercing screech.

I hopped out the car as soon as it came to a halt with the boys trailing me, a few feet away, I noticed Cameron's white Escalade come to a halt before he jumped out.

He ran towards us in three long strides with a worried expression on his face, "What's the situation?", he heaved.

I shook my head slightly at him, "Long story, let's just say the chick you warned me about is truly nuts", I simplified.

"Gee, isn't this the best moment to say 'I told you so'", he teased.

I gave him a mugged look while he just stared past me, I turned back to notice he and Cole in the middle of a stare down.

"Relax guys okay? Cameron this is Cole, my boyfriend and Cole this is Cameron...", I dragged, Cameron looked at me expectedly as I avoided his gaze, "My friend", I whispered inaudibly.

"Gee thanks", he commented.

I rolled my eyes at him as I inched closer to the gate, her house has a state of the art lock system and the only person who could grant us access is on the inside and most likely trapped.

Just when I was about pushing my luck by trying the buzzer, the gates opened on their own accord causing Ian to put a protective arm in front of me.

"The fuck?", Cameron breathed.

"I'm glad you guys could make it!", a voice cheered.

I stared straight ahead to a familiar hair bun man, "Ben", we all chorused.

Ben sent a cheesy smile our way as he walked closer to us, "Howdy?", he asked in a weird western accent.

"Where is she?!", Cameron demanded in his face.

Ben took a few steps back before brushing off imaginary lints from his leather jacket, "Now there tiger, relax, we're all friends here right?", he said as his eyes leveled us before falling solely on me.

"I'm glad you were able to see the person pulling all the strings, are you afraid now?", he asked me.

I lifted my head and leveled his own gaze, "Not in the least, I don't cower behind others", I spat.

Ben chuckled at that before walking towards the front door and urging us to come with him, "Come now guys, especially you Cole, you don't wanna miss this", he probed.

We were all hesitant to follow but we had no choice, "Last call, are we calling the police to handle these lunatics or are we going in with our life in our hands?", Cameron asked me.

I gave him a simple look and one of dread befell him, "I was hoping you won't give me that".

Ian led the way followed by Cameron then Cole and I, Cole had my hand tucked in his securely through it all.

He was either too worried to say anything or too pissed off by the direness of the situation.

I squeezed his hand a bit and he smiled down at me before pulling my in for a side hug as we walked on, "Let's just get this over with alright?".

I nodded once before we entered the house, upon entering, nothing looked out of place, everything looked the exact same way, nothing was disturbed.

I was thankful of that because we'd have one less thing to deal with, unfortunately for us, the maids that work here already came in for today, which just shows Fleur planned this to the tooth.

We followed Ben towards the basement where Reneé's dad had his wine cellar which was stocked wit overly priced wines.

I wondered why they'd keep her down here, Reneé wasn't one who'd put up a fight.

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