Chapter 52

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I wasn't exactly sure what followed the moments after Chanel fired that gun.

All I could recall was being in front of her one minute and the next I was being shoved behind a bunch of guys clad in bulletproof vests before being pulled out of there.

I watched now as blinding lights and sirens bellowed all around me, the scenery was so surreal that I had so much difficulty in taking it in.

Reneé's front yard was littered with police cars and ambulances, even the fire department was here and for a reason I couldn't even fathom.

I looked around me when my heart rate sped up at not finding Reneé, I looked around frantically searching for her but I couldn't get a glimpse of her with everything going on.

Police men circled her front entrance while I was being pushed further away from the vicinity.

What was going on?

By the looks of things I was still in definite shock, my touch with reality was off and the situation of things threw me into a state of utter confusion.

I still continued my search of Reneé when an unknown face appeared in front of me and started saying something incomprehensible.


I could hear what she was saying but I couldn't understand.

"Belle! Can you hear me?", she asked again.

Why did she keep yelling my name?

"I got her, I got her", someone intervened.

I looked up to find Cameron and relief washed over me, "Cam?", I whispered.

He smiled knowingly down at me before pulling me into a hug, I hugged him back instantly as the tears poured out.

"It's okay Lady Jan, you're safe now", he soothed.

I stepped away from him to find Reneé walking towards us, I wailed on sight of her, we ran into each other's arms and bawled our eyes out.

I was just so happy she was safe, I wouldn't have forgiven myself if anything happened to her, she meant a lot to me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", she kept sobbing.

I shook my head in the embrace before pulling back, "I'm sorry for not sticking with you, I promise it wouldn't happen again", I told her.

She nodded fervently before hugging me again, "You dropped something", she whispered.

She dug into the front pocket of her jeans to pull out my half of the friendship bracelet, "Reneé, I-".

"Don't be", she cut me off, "We promised each other not to take it off and you thought I did but I would never do that", she said as she raised her right wrist.

"I just wore it on a different hand, I'm sorry if you felt like I betrayed your trust and our friendship", she finished.

I smiled at her before taking the bracelet and putting it back on, "Best friends?", I asked.

She smiled widely at that, "Best friends".

Cameron then interrupted us and the woman who stood in front of me earlier was next to him, "Guys I'd like you to meet my mom".

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