Chapter 38

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"Oh my gosh is she okay?", I heard a faint voice.

I didn't know where I was or what happened but all I felt was the uncomfortable bed I was on and the feeling of people cluttered around me.

"She is fine, she had a mild concussion and a busted lip other than that, she is healthy as an ox", another voice replied.

I couldn't make out their conversation after that because it kept getting faint so I guessed they were leaving the room I was probably in, I willed my eyes to open but my eyelids felt so heavy and uncomfortable.

I moved my fingers and they responded, good I'm not in a coma, I thought to myself.

I forced my eyes to open again and they slowly did, I adjusted my eyes to the bright light above me and the image started getting clearer.

I heard the slow beeping of a heart monitor and the familiar slushing of an oxygen tank, I blinked a couple times so my eyes could get into focus just when a handsome nerdy face with glasses appeared in view.

"She's awake!", he yelled out.

Then in the rush of the moment, what happened to me before I blacked out slammed it's way into my subconscious causing me to let out a frightened gasp and shoot up from where I laid down.

"Hey, it's okay it's okay, we got you", the voice from earlier soothed.

I focused on her face and realization dawned on me, "Kenzie?", I croaked.

My voice was raspy and the dryness in my throat made it uncomfortable to talk, I rubbed my neck in reflex and Kenzie instructed for someone to get me some water.

"A heck of a reunion huh?", she joked.

I took in her striking grey eyes and red hair, her gleaming white skin was as radiant as ever and her lips were still pink and enviable, Yup it's definitely Kenzie.

I wanted to smile at her but when I tried I felt a sharp pain on my lower lip, "Yeah your lip is still busted, but other than that you look breathtaking, pun intended", Hope said as she walked into the room holding a plastic cup of water.

I took it from her gratefully downing it in one go, momentarily ignoring the throb of my injured lip.

I gave her the cup back and my eyes landed on a fuming Alistair at the end of my bed, my bed.

I looked around and noticed I was in a hospital room, I turned back to him with a grateful look, "You found me", I managed.

His eyes softened at that and he walked closer to me standing next to a concerned McKenzie, "Of course I did, we were all worried about you".

They all nodded at that as Kenzie sat on my bed, "What happened?", she asked softly.

Truth be told I'm not as strong as people make me out to be, I don't know how to be tough and I sure as hell wasn't good at staying mad at people.

I was an emotional seventeen year old who easily cried at any movie she watched, when Kenzie asked me that, the flashes of what I went through made me burst into tears.

I didn't bother holding them back, after all they were my friends, no, they were my family.

Hope wrapped her hands around me in an attempt to calm me down, "No pretty lady, you can't give in to the devil, what did your Nana always tell us hm?", She asked.

I sniffled at that before looking up at her through blurry eyes, "Never give the enemy reasons to beat down on you?", I guessed.

Hope nodded swiftly at that, "That's right, you're not going to give in to that, so stop crying and man up!", she exclaimed wiping at my tears.

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