Chapter 18

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I was taking a shower when I heard my phone buzzing from where it was on my nightstand, I ignored it the first time to try and calm myself as the cold beads of water traveled down my back soothing the core aches I had.

I lifted my face allowing the water splash off of it, I was starting to relax when I heard my phone ring again.

I didn't want to bother myself with anyone, I just wanted to stay in bed and laze around all day. I stood under the cold shower for about fifteen minutes when I decided I wasn't going to get pneumonia or die of a cold at a young age.

I turned the shower knob to hot and got my body wash from the rack to wash myself down, after that I got out my hair shampoo and conditioner to wash out the leftover flakes of gel and edge cream in my hair and to soften it a bit so I wouldn't have struggles in combing it out.

When I finished I got my towel from the towel rack and wrapped it around my body, I walked out of my bathroom and straight into my closet to get some comfy clothes and underwear to put on, which were sweatpants and an over sized T-shirt.

I slipped them on and headed to my vanity table to sort out my mess of a hair, I combed it out until all the tangles were straightened and gone before creaming it up and braiding it into two sections.

I sighed at my reflection once I was done, there were little bags starting to form under my eyes, my skin looked like I had survived a draught and my eyes looked empty.

I opened the drawer in the table to get out some face cream and applied it on my face, but no matter how much I tried to hide it, the look of pure sadness couldn't be covered up.

I got up already tired of looking at myself and walked back to my bathroom to brush my teeth, unfortunately for me there was a mirror in there too.

When I got there flashes of my nightmare came to me which made me stumble at the sudden sight of them, I grabbed onto the sinks counter for support while I tried to shake of the flashes.

When I got that under control, I got my toothbrush and the paste to brush my teeth. I reached for the tap but my hands were shaking so bad I had to use both hands even though they were occupied.

I didn't want to spend anymore time in there, so I brushed hastily and rinsed out before rushing out the bathroom.

"Fuck! You scared the shit out of me", I screamed at the intruder on my bed.

"Why should you be scared? It's not like you did anything wrong, right?", he said rather strangely to me.

"Of course not, but you don't just walk into peoples rooms without knocking or calling their attention", I responded as I walked to my closet door to close it.

"Yeah whatever sunshine anyways, mom got these snacks from your room last night after you crashed, she refrigerated it and warmed it up for you this morning in case you wanted it", he said as he stood up to face me, pointing to the tray of waffle and chicken sliders along with a cheeseburger and a glass of milk.

I just shrugged at him as I picked up my clothes from the floor, it didn't come to me until I put the clothes on my bed.


I looked at the intruder who was none other than my brother, he was staring at me coldly and I badly wanted to pretend like I didn't know why.

"You know, I could have expected this betrayal from any other person in this household, but I would have never expected it from my little sister", he cooly stated.

I chuckled nervously and tried to rationalize with him but he raised a hand up to silence me.

"Spare me the apologies sugar muffin, I would let it slide this time if you tell me where you went with that boy next door", he said crossing his arms and giving me a stare down.

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