Chapter 49

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"You should have seen her Nana, she was like a completely different person".

"Are you sure she wasn't under some kind of spell or influence my darling?".

"The only influence she's under is Fleur", I replied bitterly.

I was on the phone with the one person who wouldn't betray me for another, someone who had no choice but to stick with me, not only for friendship sake but for the sake of the same blood rushing through our veins.

The phone was left on speaker as I rubbed my hands over my face repeatedly trying so hard to ignore the heavy weight over my heart.

"I really believe this is all some huge misunderstanding, you two are the best duo out there!", my Nana exclaimed.

I looked down to my now bare wrist as I rubbed it absentmindedly, flashes of my earlier arguments setting off in my head.

"Yeah, well not anymore", I replied dejectedly.

"Mi Ha, I'm so sorry, I'd do anything to be there with you, you know that don't you?".

"Of course Nana, I'd be fine, I promise", I said walking towards the phone.

"I know Chicã! Just be careful al-".

Her statement was cut off by throat gargling coughs, the kind you hear when someone's about to throw up blood alongside their insides.

I picked up the phone frantically, scared to death my Nana could be helpless and no one was there to come to her aid, besides the nurse my dad got her only goes there weekends.

"Nana! Are you okay?".

"I'm fine dear, I just have a nasty cold that's all, now, as much as I hate to go, I need to leave you to process your thoughts, pray about this and I'm sure it'll have a positive out come".

I took in a forced breath as I nodded, "You're right I'd do just that, take care of yourself alright?".

"Will do! I love you Mi Corazon".

"I love you too!".

Then the line disconnected, the reality of it everything hit me so hard that the held back tears came gushing out.

It was official now that I was alone with no one to turn to for advise.

Just when I was getting to the core of being in my feelings, my phone vibrated, I grabbed it and answered the call without checking who it was.


"Hey baby! Guess where I'm at!".

I shot up instantly my mood perking up at the sound of the persons voice, "Cole?".

"Yes baby?".

"Uh h-hey", I stuttered helplessly.

I was in a jumbled haze and I didn't quite know how to react upon hearing his voice, was I to tell him what happened? Or should I ignore it?

"Are you okay?".

I fell silent for a while but gathered myself deciding I wasn't going to burden him with girl drama, "Yeah, yeah I'm totally fine, Uh where are you?".

"That's the part where you come in, guess where I am".

My confusion deepened at that, was he playing some kind of game, if he was, I wasn't up for it.

"Um, your campus?", I guessed weakly.

I heard him smile through the phone and the thought of that made my heart swell, he definitely knew how to lift my mood without even trying nor realizing it.

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