Chapter 27

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I hopped out of the car at the sight of him, he came out of his truck with a huge smile and a bouquet of flowers in hand.

I smiled even wider when I noticed the flowers were a mixture of lavender and ivory flowers.

How did he know?

I ran towards him not knowing what came over me but the sudden urge to jump in his arms consumed me.

He stretched out his arms and caught me with ease, I held onto him so tight not willing to let go and he did the same.

I was sure we were a sight to look at being we were at a public park and all but I didn't care about prying eyes for the first time, all I cared about was this man whose arms I was in.

He set me down gently and leaned in planting a soft kiss on my lips, it felt as magical as it was on the first day and I didn't want it to end.

I smiled into the kiss wrapping my hands around him to pull him closer, he chuckled at my reaction before breaking apart and hugging me once more.

I loved the fact Cole towered me, it made me feel secure in his arms.

I looked up at him as the sound of running footsteps approached, I had limited time to process where they were coming from and in mere seconds I was on the ground with an over excited Jasmine on top of me.

"Happy Birthday Girl!, oh you look so pretty!", she wiped at my eyes and played with my curls completely oblivious of our state, "I wish I had beautiful hair like yours, it's so full and curly-".

"Babe, you're scaring her and rendering her almost half naked, get up please".

I looked up to see an uncomfortable Eli try to get Jasmine off of me, I smiled gratefully at him as I dusted down my dress.

Cole walked closer to me and handed me the flowers.

"You look beautiful miss Belle", he commented planting a kiss on my forehead, "Happy Birthday".

"How did you know these were my favorite?", I asked him.

He chuckled lightly at my question, "I had help from a little birdie", he said placing an arm playfully around my shoulder.

I smiled up at him before the mood was dampened by the boy who I shared parents with, "Alright people, let's get this show on the road".

With that we were off, Ian insisted I ride with him even though I wanted to be alone with Cole in his truck.

I hadn't seen Oliver yet but they told me he'd catch up, I was glad no one told Chanel about this day because it will have been super awkward to have her there.

Ben was riding with Eli and Jasmine, he has always been the laid back one of the group I discovered, even now he gave me a head nod from afar when he saw me, but I never read any meaning to it.

I didn't talk to Ian about seeing him with Chanel neither did he bring it up.

We pulled into the dirt road leading to the cabin about an hour later, as we approached the beautiful landscape my phone started buzzing.

I pulled it out to see I was being asked for a joint FaceTime with Cameron and Reneé, I smiled brightly happy they were able to find time to call me.

I was already a bit sad not getting a text from them this morning but this is a better compensation.

I accepted the call and I saw their smiling faces, "Happy Birthday Belle!", they screamed, I laughed at their goofiness and wished they were here with me.

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