Chapter 15

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A few minutes later our food arrived and everyone dug in, no matter how much I tried to ignore it the tension between Chanel and I made me uneasy and the sight of my favorite platter of food wasn't as appealing as when I first ordered it.

Not long the entire table were basically done with their food except for me, I tried keeping it all in so I could eat but Cole noticed something was off.

"Hey, you okay? You haven't touched your food at all", he said concerned.

I just shook my head at him, "I'm sorry I guess I just lost my appetite".

I was staring at the food in front of me but I could feel Coles gaze still on me, he was about saying something before he was cut off.

"Cole! Do you think you'd be up for our rematch of Injustice?! ", the person was none other than Chanel, her voice sent icy chills down my spine.

Yup, I definitely don't like this girl, I thought.

Cole looked at her then at me as if wanting to get permission from me, I didn't want to cause any drama so I just smiled at him, he squeezed my hand before answering her.

"Sure why not", and with that they got up and left.

Once they were gone I let out a huge sigh of relief, I felt like I could truly breathe. I didn't know I was being watched until Jasmine scooted closer to me and placed her arm around my shoulder.

"I wouldn't worry about Chanel and Cole, they used to be an item a little while ago but it was never anything serious, to Cole anyways", she said.

"Jazz, why on earth would you tell her that bruh".

I looked towards the person talking and it was Oliver, he had pitch black hair with hazel eyes and tanned olive skin which ironically matched his name, he was similar in size to Cole and Elijah but smaller biceps and build.

It was like all the guys at this table were competing for the hottest bachelors magazine with how handsome they were and their amazing bodies, Cole still beat them though.

Yeah I said it.

"I just wanted to fill her in on what she was stepping into", Jasmine retorted.

I slowly slipped Jasmines arm off of me shaking my head, "It's not like that, Cole and I are just friends, well almost, we met about two weeks ago and I suggested for us to hang out to get to know each other like last week so, here we are", I said nervously, "We're opposite neighbors by the way" I stupidly added, why I did, I have no idea.

"Whoa! For real? Men that's dope, no wonder Cole chooses not to hang out with us much", Oliver joked.

The guys all grumbled in agreement but we soon fell into an awkward silence, then in the flick of an eye, their focus and concentration turned to me.

For a while they all just stared at me like they were trying to decipher me until Elijah spoke up, "Wait so you're saying, you've known him less than a week and he brought you here? To meet us?".

"I didn't know we were coming here actually or we were going to meet you guys, we haven't even spoken for more than five minutes since we met so it's not that big of a deal", I answered.

"Oh it is a big deal sweetheart, but we don't have to get into it".

This time it was Ben who spoke up, he had chestnut brown hair that was pulled back into a man bun with light brown skin, he looked like someone who basked in baby oil way too much but he actually made it work to his advantage, he was similar in stature to Oliver but a tad bit bigger.

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