Chapter 46

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My heart literally popped at the exclamation of my name.

I scanned the Café for where the voice came from when I spotted an over excited Reneé waving rather excitedly at me.

My heart soared at the sight of her and my feet popped into action by literally running to where she was seated at the very back of the Café.

She stood up to greet me as I approached and we literally collided into each other's arms both of us at the brink of tears.

"You silly girl! I missed you!", Reneé teased.

I chuckled at that and hugged her tighter, we pulled back from the hug and smiled at each other, "I got you something", I told her.

Her brown eyes lit up at that and she started bouncing on the spot, "Oh! What'd you get me?".

I giggled at her reaction as I rummaged in my satchel for the small jewelry box with a blue ribbon, when I found it, I pulled it out and placed it in her hands.

She gasped out at the sight of it and looked at me dumbfounded.

"Open it already crude!", I urged.

She shook her head coming back to her senses and unveiled the box, laying in it was a silver best friends bracelet, it could be separated between the two words and on the back, Reneé's and I's name were inscribed into it.

Reneé always wanted us to get one but I told her I wasn't sure on us being called best friends but now I was warm to the idea, especially with the sinking feeling I was going to loose my Nana soon.

I shook the thought out of my head and focused on the girl in front of me.

Reneé was already in tears at the small gift and her small hand covered her mouth to prevent her sobs from escaping, "Do you like it?", I asked her.

She nodded fervently and hugged me again, "Best friends don't come any better than you Belle", she whispered.

I smiled into the hug before separating and taking my half of the bracelet which was 'friends'.

Just then, we heard the bell over the door of the Café ding and in walked Cameron.

If it was possible for him to look more alluring than when I last saw him, he really did and everyone in the building noticed.

The squad of girls that were seated a few feet away from us had their mouths hanging open at the sight of him, the young barrister literally had hearts in her eyes but Cameron had his own for just two people, us.

His dark skin glinted in the Café lights, his black hair was wavier than normal and shaped to perfection at the sides leaving me in complete awe.

A new look.

He wore a white shirt under a blue jean jacket with a white furred collar, he matched it with a pair of black jeans and grey converse.

His hands were in his jacket pockets and he sent a smile our way as he spotted us, I could literally hear Reneé's breath hitch.

I turned to her and sure enough she was frozen in place, I chuckled at her quirkiness, some things never change, in Olaf's voice.

"Ladies", Cameron chirped as he made to hug us both.

I hugged him back briefly before stepping back, his eyes fell on Reneé who was still in complete awe of him, "Hi", he breathed as he stared into her eyes.

I honestly couldn't believe these two were doing this in front of me, when I noticed Reneé still hadn't replied, I subtly bumped her to get her back to reality.

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