Chapter 7

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Later that day, when everyone was settled in and my mom was getting dinner started, I walked outside the house with my Nana around my arm.

In the backyard my Pop-pop, Grandad, had a beautiful white Garden swing installed overlooking their makeshift mini pond for my Nana, she has always loved everything about nature and she was almost obsessed with it, she was also a professional botanist and florist.

Everything about the house from the inside to the outside screamed it, there were little flower pots everywhere, the posts around the porch were decorated with white and red rose vines, in the garden outback there were different fruits bushes and vegetables which she grows on her own and a collection of exotic plants including various species of flowers.

The garden was like a state of the art greenhouse without the house, I played a lot back here as a kid and also helped her plant a lot of things from vegetables to plants to flowers.

I looked at her as we walked down the stoned path towards the garden swing, she was humming to herself while looking around at all the plants and flowers as we walked passed them, her glasses were sitting comfortably over her chest and her skin was practically absorbing the evening sun to the extent she was glowing.

We got to the swing and I gently lowered her into a sitting position on it before taking a seat myself, I lightly pushed the swing so we were swaying gently with the gentle breeze as support. I looked at the little ducklings and their mother that were bathing and swimming in the water.

Nana must have just gotten those, I thought.

As if reading my mind she answered my thoughts, "I bought them not long after your dad moved you all out", she said in a frail voice, her hands folded neatly on her lap, "It got a little lonely being in this huge house all by myself, I only had the company of my young caretaker next door".

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of her caretaker, why it did so? I wasn't sure, but I wanted to meet him. I was already interested in the guy before even meeting him, that to me wasn't a good sign.

I felt sad at her confession to being lonely though, I felt like I should've said something but I had nothing to say.

She leaned in close to me cupping her little hand over her mouth as if wanting to whisper something secretive in my ear, I also leaned in close to her to make it easier for her.

"He is also quite eager to meet you too you know", she commented.

I shot back into a proper sitting position upon hearing that, "Nana!".

Trust her to say inappropriate stuff like that, she might look old in the face but she was a teenager at heart. She has always been down to mischief ever since I was a little girl, she is literally the only family member I have that's pushing me to have a boyfriend, and they say grandparents are more protective.

She just laughed at my reaction before she continued humming, looking away from me as she stared out at the pond.

I wonder why'd she'd tell me that.

I ignored her comment and just kept looking towards the pond too, for some reason my mind wondered back to the boy I saw through the window earlier, I didn't get a good look at his face so recognizing him in the future would be difficult.

Could that be my Nana's caretaker?

I shook my head to clear that thought. I shouldn't be thinking about that right now. I turned to look at my Nana and she was smiling at me.

Geez, I'd forgotten how looney she could be.

"What do you want? Do I have something on me!", I exclaimed.

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