Chapter 29

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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Isabelle! Happy Birthday to you!".

I was laughing uncontrollably as they all sang for me, we were gathered at the dinner table when Ian and Jasmine came from the kitchen with a cake, it was the least I was expecting.

Naturally I would have been uncomfortable with them using my full name, but for tonight I was going to allow it.

"Thank you all so much", I said as I read the message on the cake.

It had seventeen candles, Ian said each one represented a wish instead of a year of my life.

I didn't understand what he meant by that but I'll leave him to his weird antics.

I blew out the candles as they all cheered and congratulated me on a new age, what surprised me the most was that each of them got me a gift, even Chanel.

When she handed me hers I couldn't help the stunned look on my face, she rolled her eyes at my reaction.

"We might not get along that well but I still have manners", she retorted walking away.

I stared after her retreating figure and more questions about her just popped in my head, I dismissed the thought when Ben came up to me with a small box.

We had all moved out to the patio when they brought out their gifts and the night was fast approaching.

He pushed the box towards me eyes downcast, he scratched the nape of his neck and I couldn't tell if he was shy or embarrassed.

I smiled at him nonetheless and decided to open the gift right there to see what it was.

When I did I couldn't believe what I was seeing, "Cole mentioned you were a huge Deff Leppard fan", he said looking anywhere but me, "So I made you a mixed tape of all their songs".

I looked up at him still awed by his gift, for a few seconds I couldn't find the right words to thank him and finally he looked at me and smiled before walking away.

My heart tugged at his creative gift, I never had someone create a mixtape for me before.

I looked back down to the little box in my hands, staring back up at me on a white silky cloth was a Cassette Tape USB flash drive.

I haven't seen one before but I was glad I owned one now, the tape was still in its pack and on the pack there was a little birthday message from Ben.

I hope their songs brightens up your day like it does mine, Happy Birthday, Ben-X.

I opened the pack and decorated finely and ever so intricately with drawings related to Deff Leppard was the Cassette.

I instantly wanted to rush to my room to play it but I got better judgement and placed it back in the box, I put the gifts away and got changed to go find out where they all went.

I was approaching the lake which was a few feet from the cabin when I saw them gathered around a small bonfire, I smiled to myself as I walked over to them.

I went and sat next to Ian who smiled down at me before turning back to the guys.

"Okay, so what do we do now?", Elijah asked.

"Let's tell spooky stories", Jasmine suggested.


I turned to the person who yelled with me and it was Cole, he sent me a nervous smile before we looked away from each other.

"Okay, how about we do a sing a long?", Ben suggested.

A collection of groans ensued but with time we all got warm to the idea and settled for that.

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