Chapter 47

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The day isn't even halfway through and I already want it to end.

I was in fifth period of advanced Algebra and I kept watching the ticking clock hoping the bell would ring soon.

My prayers were answered after a two minute stare down with the clock, I bolted immediately out of my class at lightening speed towards my locker.

Being a loner today really puts a tic in my mood, I had just exchanged my morning notes for my afternoon class notes as I slammed my locker shut when I noticed a petite person stare back at me.

I looked behind me wondering if she had eyes on someone else but she didn't, she was looking at me.

"Uh, Hello?", I asked.

She looked slightly frightened by the students passing her by, she had on this thick square rimmed glasses, her hair was cut short into a bob, she wore a pink and white adidas sweater matched with blue jeans and a pair of pink crocs with flower prints on them.

"H-hi", she muttered back quietly.

I smiled at her to ease her anxiousness, she smiled back nervously as she pushed a lock of her auburn hair behind her left ear.

"Are you new here or?", I dragged out.

She nodded her head at me before balancing her flower print binders against her chest to properly shoulder her book bag.

"Yeah, my name is Fleur, Fleur Steves", she answered readjusting her glasses on her nose.

I smiled cooly at her as I shouldered my backpack, "Like Fleur from Hogwarts?".

She laughed lightly at that revealing the coolest set of braces I had ever seen, she made having braces almost cool.

"Yeah my mom was a huge Harry Potter fan by the time she was pregnant with me", she answered.

"That's really cool, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan", I told her.

"Really? Me too!", she shrieked.

"Excuse my bad manners, my name is Belle", I stretched out my hand at her.

"Belle, such a pretty name! Belle...?", she drawled as she shook my hand in response.

I was still skeptic about her so I kept things plain, "Yeah, just Belle".

"Oh okay", she replied clearly feeling awkward by my starkness.

"So how can I be of help?", I asked her.

"Uh yeah, I'm supposed to be having English now?", she replied looking at her course outline.

"That's great I have that after lunch, wanna join me?".

"I'd love that! I really didn't know how I was going to get around much, thankfully I bumped into you!", she squealed.

"Sure, lets go with that", I muttered to myself pretending I was looking for someone else.

"What was that?".

I turned back to her with an oblivious look on my face, "I'm sorry?".

Her brown bell eyes told she wasn't buying my bullshit but it was quickly wiped off by her plastered fake smile.

"Nevermind! Lunch?", she chirped as she linked our arms together and led us towards the cafeteria.

I was a bit taken aback by how well she knew her way around, "You said you were new right?".

She stopped in her tracks causing a group of guys to glare at us, I gave an apologetic smile not liking the attention, "Yes I am!", she beamed.

I blinked once, twice.

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