Chapter 8

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That was the very first word that popped in my mind when I woke up the next morning, pure bliss. I woke up feeling well rested, relaxed, happy and overjoyed.

I was so eager to start my day even though I woke up three hours later than everyone, I got up from my bed to stretch when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!", I yelled in a croaky voice, the door slightly opened and my brothers head popped in.

"Glad you're awake and not dead, mum rewarmed your breakfast for you downstairs and Nana insists you get up now that she wants you to meet someone", he said.

I scrunched my face in confusion at that and Ian just shrugged his shoulders in response, I nodded at him before he popped his head back out and closed the door. I walked into my attached bathroom to freshen up and start my day.

An hour later and I was making my way downstairs but on getting to the bottom of the stairs I caught a glimpse of who was talking to my Nana, my heart dropped to the bottom of my feet at who I saw, I didn't know him personally but it felt like I knew him as bizarre as that sounds.

I let out a loud gasp as I almost tripped over my own feet before steadying myself, that caught everyone's attention and heads whipped in my direction, my dramatic mum ran towards me and started feeling around my face for who knows what.

"You okay honey? Whats wrong?", she probed.

I just smiled at her and shook my head saying it was nothing, "I just tripped mum, it's kind of a slow morning for me", I reasoned.

I heard Ian snicker at my response, "You mean afternoon shortcake".

I gave him a grim look and turned my attention back to Nana and the boy in front of her. I know this dude, but I couldn't quite put my finger on where I'd seen him or met him before.

When I looked into his eyes, he was staring directly at me, he didn't flinch nor break eye contact he just kept staring at me and something about that made me feel uncomfortable. It was almost like he was trying to read me, his eyes were honey brown and I couldn't help but admit how beautiful they were.

I didn't know we were staring at each other much until my Nana came and grabbed my hand.

"Mi ha! I'm glad you're awake", she tugged on my hand and pulled me closer to the strange guy, "Belle I'd like you to meet Cole, he's the grandson of some very good friends of mine that live next door, Cole this is my granddaughter Isabelle", she introduced us.

He walked a bit closer to me and stretched out his hand, "Nice to meet you Isabelle", my name rolled off his tongue with such emotion in his voice that I couldn't even figure out what it was, it felt like he was tasting it, which creeped me out.

All I knew was when he said my name I felt a tingly sensation inside and I felt blood rush straight up to my cheeks. I don't like him and I don't like how he is making me feel, I thought.

I didn't understand the feeling because I hadn't felt like that before, well in a long time, but I was sure as hell wasn't going to let this guy get the best of my sanity.

"Belle to you", I corrected and walked past him towards the kitchen.

Ian laughed at my reaction and I just kept walking away even though I felt the burn of someone's eyes burrowing into my back. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of turning around. Nope, not in my house.

I walked into the kitchen and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I felt a little dizzy so I grabbed the kitchen counter for support.

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