Chapter 50

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I walked out my room as fast as I could in desperate need of some fresh air.

I couldn't spend another moment in the house, if I did, I was going to be suffocated by my own thoughts.

The house was choking me, the walls kept closing in and I felt like I was living a nightmare.

Cole chased after me as I ran out the house to my front yard, I stopped at the stoned bird bath a few ways from our front door to splash my face.

I felt hot and choked, the cool breeze seemed to ease my erratic heart a bit and I was finally able to calm down.

This is too much for me.

I couldn't keep going from one confusing confession to another, when did my life get so complicated?

"Belle", a voice called out.

"Don't", I warned as I felt myself get visibly nauseous.

"Belle, you have to let me explain".

"Please don't", I pleaded.

I watched Cole take more cautious steps towards me and flashes of my nightmare of him bloody whizzed across my eyes.

The sudden scenes made me more sick and I stumbled back in a helpless attempt to get a grip of my thoughts.

"Belle!", he screamed again.

This time he was much closer, soon after he placed a hand on my shoulder and I felt my stomach lurch.

The contents of this mornings breakfast spilled out of me and I cackled all over Cole's shoes, I wasn't sick or anything but my body was trying to tell me it had enough with everything going on.

"Fuck!", he cussed.

I looked up at him with accusing eyes before wiping my mouth and standing up, "I'm sorry".

With that, I stormed into the house leaving Cole to clean up the mess I made.

I waked into the kitchen to a mortified Ian, "What the hell was that?", he demanded.

I ignored him as I went to get a cup from the cabinet before filing it with water and gargling.

"Are you going to answer me?".


I spat out the contents as I used the kitchen towel to wipe my mouth.

"Oh no, you're not knocked up are you? Why would you do that?".

"Shut up and sit your ass down!", I yelled.

I surprised myself with how harsh my voice was but I didn't care at that point, Ian seemed surprised at that too and quickly took a seat at the kitchen counter.

I then explained everything Cole told me about his life in LA before he came to Fresno, also about the girl who his former gang abducted and how I just found out the girl was Reneé.

"Wait, how sure are you that it's her?", he asked me.

"Because, a few months ago, she sat me down and explained one of her most horrifying experience which was being at the mercy of three idiotic teenage boys", I started.

"She also told me that if it wasn't for a guy, whose name she wit-held from me, she wouldn't have survived, she also explained that the both of them had a history together which Cole just confirmed".

Then, Cole walked into the kitchen with bare feet and his heart on his sleeves, Ian looked up at him and placed his chin on his palm rather dramatically.

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