Chapter 11

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I don't think. That's the one problem I have when it comes to impulse. I don't stop to gather and work through my options, I just see one word and I do it.


That's what I did in this case.

It wasn't until I was crossing the street towards Coles house that I realized what a stupid and terrible mistake I was making.

I mean what if he was a serial killer, what if he was working for a huge drug cartel like the Russian Mafia or even worse!

He might be a human trafficker and the only reason he noticed me that day was because he felt I'd be a great target for his next pick up and he knows where I live and he can take me away in the middle of the night without anyone ev-.

"Hello, Miss Belle".

His voice cut through my thoughts that's when I noticed I was standing right in front of him, well I was staring at his chest given the height difference.

I slowly looked up at him and he gave me that devilish smirk again, I swallowed hard and everything that I had planned to confront him about suddenly went out the window.

My mouth just hung open but no words came out, absolutely nothing.

Idiot! This is what happens when you react without thinking.

Cole raised an eyebrow in confusion at me, that's when my common sense came flying back into my body. I let out a strangled cough and took a few steps back.

"It's a little too early in our relationship to be missing me miss Belle, don't you think?", He asked sarcastically.

I couldn't say anything all I managed was a dead stare at him which didn't seem to phase him one bit, his cockiness was annoying yet sexy.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? You do realize it's a suicide mission being out your house this late and in such a sketchy neighborhood right?", He continued on.

I opened my mouth to respond to him but again no words, it was like the plug connecting my mouth to my brain was out of service.

The entire run down was humiliating for me, Cole on the other hand was enjoying every single bit of it.

He walked closer to me and bent down till his face was leveled with mine, "I'm guessing by your lack of words my close proximity alone with you leaves you flustered huh?".

His voice sounded so rough yet smooth at the same time, harsh yet silky I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle in front of him if I kept listening to him talk like that.

I searched my mind for why I was there in the first place when I remembered the crazy dude in the window and that was all it took to gain my confidence back.

I stepped back from him yet again which caused him to raise a brow in amusement, I ignored his mischievous cocky looks and got down to the reason I came here, to confront his model looking self.

"First, I do realize how dangerous this neighborhood gets at night and I'm not out here because I 'miss you' or because I'm on a suicide mission. Second, I came here to simply ask you why you've been stalking me", I deadpanned.

It was like my statement burned him because he yanked back so fast I honestly thought he got hit by something.

He looked down at me and gave me that damned smirk again, "It's really cute for you to accuse me of such childish acts but I haven't even known you for more than twelve hours, I haven't had the time to stalk you yet or even find out if you're worth the trouble".

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