Chapter 39

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Ian Matthews

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

This literally can't be happening!

I paced back and forth in Belles room my eyes never wandering away from her unconscious state, how could the fucking hospital have prescribed her with that sick drug!

It's clearly indicated she's deathly allergic to it!

I punched the wall in an effort to numb my frustration but that only made me madder.

Think think think idiot! I yelled at myself.

There was no way I was telling my parents or grandmother about this, if they did they'd sue the hospital and the reason Belle was there in the first place would be revealed, I can't let that happen.

I kept staring at her silhouette on the bed, I walked closer to her side and touched her forehead, I yanked my hand back instantly, her scorching skin burning me.

Her fevers getting worse.

I ran to her bathroom and got a fresh towel and a bucket of water, I dampened the towel and placed the cool cloth on her head and you could faintly hear the hissing sound of cold and hot coming together.

I thought of who to contact when Cole came into mind, I ran back to my room to get my phone and dialed his number, the phone rang twice and his voice came out from the other end.

Me: "Get here now, back gate, side entrance not kitchen".

I simply said to him, he was quiet for a while save for the shuffling in the background which indicated he was getting dressed or something.

Cole: "Meet me there in five".

The line disconnected and I went back to Belles room to check on her, once I was sure she was good and had dipped the towel in the cool water again replacing it, I raced downstairs to let Cole in.

Instead of going in the kitchen, I went into the back hallway entrance adjacent to the backdoor of the kitchen and walked the short way to the side door.

There was a flight of stairs directly opposite the door that led upstairs right next to Belles room so we used it to get to her room undetected, my grandfather had the stairs and door put in place for emergencies.

I opened the door for him and he went ahead of me to the stairs taking it two at a time, I followed closely behind him and he had gotten to her room by the time I got up the stairs.

He collapsed on the ground next to her and I could see the anger and frustration on his face.

"The fuck happened?", he growled.

Great, not only I'm I mad but he is mad too, we wouldn't get anywhere like this, "They prescribed her a drug she's allergic to", I sighed picking it up from the floor where Belle dropped it.

"How could they do that, don't they have her record or something?", he asked staring at me like I was the dumb one.

"No shit, like I never taught of that", I spat sourly at him making him flinch, "That hospital has been in charge of our families records even before we moved away from here, so yes they do have her record and she has been allergic to that drug since she was a baby, I wonder why they'd prescribe it all of a sudden", I responded thinking deeply.

"Do you think it was an honest mistake or they assumed she was a new patient again?", he asked me moving to cradle Belle in his arms.

I rolled my eyes at his pitiful need to always have her close by, I wonder how he'd survive when we head back home.

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