Chapter 41

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"I'm hungry", a voice whined for the up tenth time.

I rolled my eyes at a whiny Kenzie whose stomach has been grumbling for the past half hour.

Church service ended about an hour ago but Cole and Ian said they had to go check out something so Alistair, Kenzie and I waited for them at the church steps.

My parents and Coles grandparents took off ten minutes ago leaving us at the church premises, they trusted us to be of good behavior and to come back home early every Sunday so it subconsciously became a routine.

I told Alistair and Kenzie about the guy I saw at church and Kenzie mentioned the guy sat right behind her.

"Hey Kenz, could you tell me what you remember about that guy again?", I asked her.

She glared at me for half a second before rolling her eyes completely annoyed at my questions, "I've told you three times already, he had brown hair, shiny skin and a rough build", she drawled.

"Did he have a beard? Even if it was a scruffy one", Alistair asked her.

She stomped her feet like a whiny child before shoving Alistair, "It's nice to see that my boyfriend and best friend-", she stopped short at that glancing at me for a second, "Sorry, I meant close friend", she sobered, she kicked at an imaginary rock and I shook my head at her.

"It's alright Kenzie, you can call me that if you want to", I assured.

Alistair and Kenzie's eyes widened in surprise, "What?!", they chorused.

I laughed at their reaction before sitting on the last step as Alistair leaned on the railing and Kenzie stood in front of me, "Well yeah, I've decided to ease off on the whole tag thing, other than my Nana, you guys are my true friends, I don't know what I would do without you guys", I breathed.

"Yeah but it was okay for you to make new best friends while you were gone", Alistair air quoted.

I smiled up at him and gripped his hand momentarily, "Yeah but you guys would always be number one in my book", I beamed.

"Aw, that's so sweet, I would've appreciated that more if I wasn't so hungry!", Kenzie screamed.

Alistair pulled her in for a hug as I giggled at her cranky state, just then Coles truck pulled up in front of us and the passengers window rolled down.

"Hop in nerds!", Ian called out.

Kenzie literally growled at the sound of that and stomped towards him with her fists in the air, she literally resembled an angry Super Mario.

"What did you say?!", she demanded.

Cole and Ian's expression resembled pure terror and Ian put his hands up in defense, "I withdraw! I withdraw!", he kept screaming for some reason.

I laughed at the exchange as I made my way to the backseat of the truck, Cole didn't even notice I was in the truck already, mainly because he was trying to save Ian from the choking clutches of a cranky McKenzie.

Alistair grabbed her by the waist and shoved her in next to me, a single touch from Alistair and she was as tame as a hamster.

I sent her a smile to ease her but she just scoffed and faced forward, she was such a child.

"Okay, where to?", Ian asked while rubbing his throat.

I was about answering when Kenzie beat me to it, "Wendy's please!", she wailed.

Cole sent her a side smile through the rear view mirror as he made a turn for Wendy's, I was already settling in at the comfortable silence when Kenzie spoke up.

She and Ian were never able to handle silence well, it's one of their defaults.

"Oh I remember something else about that strange guy", She said.

Ian turned back to look at her, "What are you talking about?", he asked her.

She shrugged at him as she picked at her nails, "There was this weird guy who was at church for like a nanosecond and Belle said she recognized him", she dragged.

Ian's eyes landed on me and I nodded once, realization pooled into his eyes as he faced forward, "So what was the other thing you remember about him?", Alistair asked.

She groaned at his question as she turned to him, "Why do you keep asking me all that like you don't remember? We sat down together babe, if anything I should be asking you!", she retorted.

Ali's face scrunched up in confusion at what she said, he was clearly not getting it, "I agree we sat together but I didn't see him", he responded.

Kenzie rolled her eyes as she groaned again, "He was the dude you told me to stop back chatting with".

"That weird guy with the green jacket?".


"That's who we're talking about?".

"Who the fuck else did you think we were talking about?".

"To be honest I'm not so sure anymore", Alistair wondered.

I palmed my forehead as Kenzie looked at him dumbfounded, "How did I ever say yes to you?", she thought to herself.

I giggled at that while Alistair just blushed, "If it's him then I definitely know who he was", he added to hide his embarrassment.

Cole slammed on his brakes instantly lurching us forward, if Ian wasn't putting on seatbelt who would have dove out the windshield.

"The hell man! The fuck did you do that for?", Ian bellowed.

Cole spun around and stared at Ali, "What did you say?", he asked him.

Just then a bunch of cars kept honking behind us and some swerved as angry drivers sent us insults for the sudden stop but Cole didn't pay them any attention.

"Dude we got to move", Ian said but Cole wasn't listening.

"Tell me", he pleaded Ali.

Ali was still shaken by what just happened but he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "I said I recognized who it was because I had seen him before", he started as he stared at all of us, "It was Ben".

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