Chapter 36

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I was a in the middle of an afternoon nap when I heard a car pull into the driveway, I guessed it was my dad and Ian.

Naturally I would have run downstairs to jump in Ian's arms but the feeling of not wanting to talk to him consumed me.

I was hurt and angry that this trip here only made us drift apart, the secrets we kept between ourselves was hurting us, Ian and I only texted once since he left two weeks ago and that was about him wanting us to talk when he got back.

I laid on my bed a while longer ignoring the happy cheers I heard downstairs, ten minutes later I heard a soft knock on my door.

"It's open!", I yelled out.

The person walked in and from the familiar shuffle of footsteps I smiled knowing who it was without looking, I sat up on my bed and there standing in my doorway was my Nana.

"Nana", I whispered out.

"It is so weird we live in the same house but it feels like I haven't seen you in ages", she responded moving to sit on my bed.

I sobbed at her answer and leaned over to hug her, she rubbed my back soothingly before pulling me back to stare at my face, "Someone's been having quite the summer", she stated.

I laughed tiredly at that, "You have no idea".

"Try me Chica", she probed.

I told her everything that has been going on with me from our time at the cabin till now, about Ian and Chanel also about Coles confession.

She let out a huge breath at that, "Wow that is a lot isn't it?", she asked.

I nodded swiftly holding both her hands, "I'm going to tell you a secret", she whispered to me, "The key to living our best life isn't in understanding everything that goes on but in trusting in the right people and things especially our hearts", she finished.

I nodded my head slowly processing what she said, "Another famous quote?", I teased.

She shook her head once, "Nope Mi hija, this ones from me".

I smiled warmly at her before looking down at her hands, she lifted my chin so I could look at her, "All I'm going to tell you is for you to trust in your heart, I don't want to lay down any advice for you and have you missing out on the important stuff", she advised patting my hands, "You're going to have to do this on your own Mi Corazon".

"I guess you're right about that Nana", I sighed.

"Now, go meet your brother, he didn't look too happy at the fact that you didn't come down to greet him and so did your dad, do the right thing Mi Ha! I trust that you will", she said as she walked out my room.

I sat there for a while thinking about what she said and how right she was, I got up from my bed and went to Ian's room to set things straight.

I knocked softly on his door and I heard soft shuffles of feet before he appeared in front of me.

His face was gloomy and he didn't look like the cheery big brother I always looked up to, he looked sad, "We need to talk", I rushed.

He stared at me for what felt like the longest time before walking out and motioning for me to follow him, he led us out to the garden but instead of sitting on the swing he pulled me down to sit next to him a few feet away from the pond on the soft grass.

We stared at the bathing ducks for a while as the Fresno hot sun beat down on us, "Did I really push you away?", he asked me.

I turned to look at him and he stared out at the pond, "Because it felt like I already lost you", he whispered out.

"You didn't loose me Ian", I assured.

He let out a soft chuckle as he played with a stick he found on the ground, "Yeah? It seemed that way though, I mean we went from never being able to go without texting each other in a day to not talking in two whole weeks", he sourly stated.

"I've just been busy these days and so have you", I replied sadly.

He shook his head before turning to me, "What happened?", he asked.

I turned away to stare at the pond not letting fear get to me as I let out the next words, "I saw you two that day, you know the day before we left for the cabin, you invited her home, at first I thought you were going to tell me but you never mentioned it, you pretended like it never even happened", I choked out.


"The worst part of it all was you kept getting closer to her instead of me, I'm your little sister Ian!", I exclaimed turning to him, "Is she more important than me now?".

"Never! And don't you ever say that again", he retorted moving closer to me, "You are the most important person to me and that's never going to change, I made a mistake, I fucked up and lost sight of what was important, you needed me here and I wasn't, I'm sorry", he apologized.

I looked down at my feet as I felt the tears streaming down my face, "Do you like her?".

He let out a tired sigh before answering, "I did at least I was starting too, but things got too weird for me around her, I went on this trip with dad to avoid her, I should've have listened to you when you told me to stay away from her, looks like I am pretty dense huh", he joked.

I laughed sadly at his words and leaned my head on his shoulder, "I'm sorry I made you worry about me, I never meant to hurt you and I want you to know I'm here for you now and that's never going to change, it's me and you against the world remember?", he asked me.

I nodded remembering his little message on my birthday gift, "Thanks for the frame, it meant a lot to me", I answered looking up at him momentarily.

"You got it little sis, So what have I missed?".

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