Chapter 43

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"Hold still!".

"No! It stings like a fucking- Ow!".

"Watch your language young man or there's going to be more where that came from".

I was standing in one of Kenzie's overpriced and overstocked bathrooms that had a full in medicine cabinet that was like a pharmacy and a first aid kit the size of a gigantic tool box.

I offered to help Cole clean his lip and help put some ointment on his jaw, sadly ever since we got here all he has done is whine like the kid he is, for a guy with his muscles, I'm surprised one of his fears is methylated spirit.

"Cole!", I yelled.


"If you don't let me clean that cut nicely I'm going to have to force it on you".

"I'd like to see you try", he laughed.

I stared into his eyes for the longest and leaned in like I was about to kiss him, he visibly gulped and his pupils dilated at the sudden change of mood.

He searched my eyes to try and decipher what my plan was but before he could I swiftly put the fresh gauze of saline solution to his lip.

He didn't even recognize it at first and kept staring at me, it was when I pulled back he yelped in pain, "You tricked me!", he whined.

"Maybe", I cooed back.

I threw the gauze in the bin and used an alcohol free wipe to dab on the cut again to ensure it wouldn't get infected, after that I massaged some ointment unto his jaw with a cotton swab, I placed a small band aid over his cut lip and I was done.

"There! Was that so hard?", I huffed at him as I closed up the first aid kit.

"Yeah but watching you go all nurse mode was worth it", he purred.

I turned to him and rolled my eyes completely fed up with his childish behavior.

I put the box away and got out of the bathroom and made my way to the living room.

Alistair and Ian were whispering about something while Kenzie was no where to be found, Cole trailed behind me and walked to the sofa to lay back.

When Ian saw Coles fixed up face, there was a hint of remorse in his eyes and I knew he truly regretted his actions.

I walked over to him and Alistair not wanting my brother to beat himself up any further, "Hey guys, what are you talking about?", I asked them.

Alistair shook his head slightly at me before shoving his hands in his pockets, "Nothing out of the ordinary, it's still surreal that you're leaving tomorrow", Alistair answered.

I smiled sadly at him as I nudged him slightly, "Cheer up mate! I can always come back for Christmas, or better yet you could come visit me", I offered.

Alistair laughed at that as he rubbed his glasses indented nose, "Most unlikely cub".

Ian signaled to Cole that it was time to leave and we piled out of Kenzie's house, Kenzie on the other hand didn't want to see me go so she refused to come out.

Ian and I hopped into Coles truck as we pulled out with Cole behind the wheel, I waved out to Alistair as I felt hot tears burn at the back of my eyes, Ali seemed to mirror my emotions and he smiled even wider at me to keep me from breaking down.

I ducked my head back in the truck as Kenzie's house was out of view, the reality of things hit me and it felt official, I was leaving my hometown in less than twenty four hours.

I didn't want to leave, it felt like summer just whizzed by, like I didn't have enough time to appreciate or get in the reals of things.

I was leaving my Nana yet again and that feeling broke me, it wasn't the first time I was leaving her but this time around it felt like it might be my last time seeing her, but I didn't want to listen to my paranoid heart.

Twenty minutes later we pulled into our street and Cole stoped the truck in front of our house so Ian and I could get out.

Almost on cue, Ian walked right up the driveway to the front door leaving Cole and I standing by his truck, I guess he knew we needed space.

"So..", I started.

"So", he responded.

"I'm leaving tomorrow".

"That you are".

We stood there awkwardly not sure of what to do, I was really hoping Cole wouldn't be all cold towards me, I hated it when he went like that.

"I'm going to go in then, I had fun this summer asides the strain and drama, thank you for that", I said cordially.

I made a move to walk up my driveway when Cole suddenly tugged on my wrist and yanked me into his arms.

I was taken aback by the sudden contact and swift move but I visibly relaxed into his embrace, I took in his rich and familiar scent one more time.

Gosh I'm going to miss him.

I thought I could be strong and keep the tears at bay but once one rolled down, the Calvary came descending.

I didn't bother holding back my tears as I cried into his jacket.

I didn't want to leave him, he was part of the people that kept me sane through all this time, he was one person I kept looking forward to seeing every morning when I woke up.

I wasn't sure how I'd deal with him not being there if I moved back home, I didn't want to go back either, but that wouldn't still make a difference if I stayed.

Cole would be going back to college next week, it's better if we say our goodbyes now than a week later, besides I wasn't going to wait around until Chanel made a drastic move.

I pulled back from the hug as I sniffled and wiped at my runny nose, I looked up at him and he smiled down at me, "There's no need for tears Miss Belle", he joked.

I laughed sadly at that as I looked down to my fidgety fingers, I noticed my fingernails were in desperate need of a manicure due to the nervous and frantic chewing I took out on them.

I made a mental note to have them done by the time I got back to San José.

"This wouldn't be the end of our story", Cole whispered.

I looked back up at him at that and I saw the emotion his eyes held, I felt a sense of relief wash over as he confirmed my feared thoughts.

He shared a smile with me as I balanced on my toes to place a light kiss on his ever soft lips.

It lasted a lot longer than I anticipated but I didn't care, I wasn't sure when I was going to see him again so I had to put to good use to the last moments we shared together.

We broke apart and let out labored breaths we didn't know we were holding.

"I'm not even sure when I'm going to see you again", I let out.

Cole gave me a teasing smirk at that as he leaned against his truck with his foot as support and crossing his arms, "Sweetheart, I go to California University, we wouldn't be far from each other", he joked back.

I visibly blushed at that as I whacked his arm to conceal my embarrassment, "I knew that", I huffed, "Its whatever, I have to go".

Cole sobered up at that and gave me one last smile, "Go on in Miss Belle, ill text you tonight", he said lastly.

I smiled back at him as I started the dreaded walk up my driveway, I got to my front door in time to hear the revving of Coles truck, I turned back around and he winked at me before turning into his own driveway.

Looks like its really happening.

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