Chapter 2

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I'm not a fan of jocks. Never have been and never will be. They all disgust me.

I specifically don't like how they go about sauntering and thinking that they are better than everyone because they know how to throw a ball across the field, or toss a ball in a basket.

Newsflash! So can toddlers.

What annoys me the most about them is their self acclaimed status and authority.

The only way they even got up their social ladder and obtaining dominance is by feeding off the poor innocent souls of The Regulars at our school, which is the cliché name given to those who don't match up to the popular and rich snobby kids standards, Ugh, It makes me sick.

Luckily, I blend in just fine, thanks to my brother that is. That's all I thought about when the final whistle of the Basketball Game was blown.

The Freedom!

I wanted to run out the double doors of the gym and make a bee line for my house to pack up and never return but all that remained a figment of my imagination as I saw my dear friend Reneé bustle down the bleachers of the gymnasium towards me.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who's upset about an impromptu basketball game", she grumbled as she sat down next to me.

I groaned at that as I put my head in my hands, the mere thought of the entire run down was going to give me a splitting headache.

"Well at least we know that both schools who played today are all egotistical maniacs driven by masculine hormones to gain utmost superiority over the other through a stupid game", she rushed, if she was trying to be funny, I completely lost sight of the joke.

I looked at her in utter confusion at her choice of words, she just shrugged her shoulders in response as she sipped on her large cup of mouth watering chocolate milkshake, the sight of that made me want to snatch it from her but I had a conscience, most times.

I wonder when she had the time to go get that, I thought.

"You got any of those for me?", I asked her with a distinct whine in my voice.

She paused her sipping to look at me for a moment raising an eyebrow as if confused before she broke into a smile, "Thought you'd never ask", she responded with a huge grin.

She handed me a large cup of strawberry milkshake which made my heart sing, the instant joy and uplift of my mood couldn't be explained with mere words.

I started sipping on it immediately moaning as I savored the taste of the sweet beverage, I was about asking her a random question when I noticed the third cup of Vanilla and Honey Milkshake beside her.

"Who's that for?", I asked her although I already knew the answer.

Without even giving the cup or me a glance and her eyes staring out of focus to the now empty basketball court she just grunted mid sip, "It's for Cameron you dufus, he might be a jock but he's still our friend", she pointed out with a knowing blush on her cheeks, she is so in love.

I whined on hearing that and she gave me a stern look meaning she didn't want to hear it.

I threw my hands up in surrender turning away from the short tempered gal while sipping my drink, which was sadly getting lower, just in time to see Cameron jogging down from the locker rooms towards us in grey sweats and a white shirt.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting", he said as he bent over to catch his breath from the slight jog he took, You'd think with the way he is built he would be in better shape.

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