Chapter 14

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I paced back and forth in my room for ten minutes not knowing what to wear, I had no idea where we were going so I wasn't sure how to dress.

I decided to text Cole to ask him where he planned on taking me or at least how I should dress up.

Me: Hey, I'm having a little dilemma on how to prepare for this outing of ours, do you think you could give me a hint as to where we are going?

I sent the text and was getting really angsty and impatient on his reply, I kept staring at my phone screen tapping my feet frantically then I saw the three bubbles pop up.


Cole: It wasn't much of a secret miss Belle all you had to do was ask where we're going, but for your sake I would keep our location private till we get there, and wear something casual it's not much of a fancy shinding.

I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me after reading the text, I felt like a fool for assuming Cole was taking me to a place where he would keep the location from me till we got there and I'd end up teary eyed and astounded at the beautiful scenery.

That's what you get for watching too many movies and having high expectations, I thought.

I felt irritated at myself but continued a search on what to wear, I was frantically going through all the clothes in my closet when I heard a ringing sound from my laptop.

I looked towards the open device on my table and saw Cameron's picture, he was asking for a FaceTime.

I mentally ignored the call because I had less than an hour to get ready and my hair took half of that alone, I stopped what I was doing when an idea popped in my head.

I looked towards the ringing laptop again, who better else to help get ready for an outing with a guy than a guy.

I rushed to the table and quickly accepted the call before he ended it.

"Hey you!", I beamed.

"Hey, I was convinced you weren't going to pick up".

Cameron has always been a huge flirt but most of the tricks he does on girls that are always on him are all part of a sad game to temporarily ease his mind, the one woman he has true feelings for is ten hours away from him, considering he is in Cuba.

"How's Santiago de Cuba?" I asked him.

He gave me a coy smile before looking away from his screen momentarily then back at me, "You know, it's hot", he simply stated.

I took a good look at his background and found out he was at some type of beach, he had on ray ban aviator shades with a white tank top but he didn't look too happy about being there like most people would.

I know that Cameron would have preferred spending his entire summer with Reneé than with his family because he would have to put on a pretense he was sick of, come to think of it, Reneé and Cameron do make a good match.

I didn't dare tell him that though.

"It's hot half around the globe in this time of year Cameron, is that why you called me?" I gently asked.

He seemed to have a battle within himself as if contemplating to tell me something before deciding against it.

"Uh yeah, I wanted to see how you were doing, by the way what kind of bra is that?".

I was confused at his question until he pointed at my chest, I looked in the direction of his finger to the sight of my lace bra that I had on, which admittedly had a weird design on the front, I shot my head up back at him and let out a strangled shriek.

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