Chapter 12

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It's been a week since I last saw Cole, I don't know why but I was missing that crazy smirk of his.

I didn't dare ask my Nana why he wasn't coming over or question myself as to why I hadn't seen him by 'accident' through his bedroom window or in the garage of his house when I went grocery shopping with my mum earlier this week.

It was another Sunny Saturday and I had no plans on what to do today, my dad has been meeting up with old friends for boring social events and my brother has been forced to accompany him, stuff about him being the future of the family business.

I was playing around with my breakfast sitting alone in this huge house all by myself with immense boredom edging it's way through my very soul.

I woke up this afternoon to an empty house and found several notes from my wonderful yet sly family on the fridge and pre made breakfast on the kitchen table.

Everyone had something doing, even my Nana, I thought about reconnecting with some old friends around here but apparently my old school arranged a summer camp for interested students for about a month, so there goes that option.

Reneé hasn't been able to talk to me for more than two minutes a day courtesy of her strict Aunt and Cameron was well, Cameron.

I was thinking about what I was going to spend the day doing as I put my plate in the dishwasher when I heard the doorbell go off.

I stopped for a moment wondering who that might be, assuming it was the mail man I yelled at him to leave whatever it was on the porch but instead of listening he kept on ringing the doorbell, annoyed by the constant noise I stormed to the front door to get him to stop.

"I said leave it on the damn porch!", I yelled.

I held in a breath, shocked at the last person I was expecting to see, instead of the mailman, Cole stood in his place ironically with our mail in hand.

"It's nice to see you too miss Belle", he smirked.

I gulped hard at the sight of him, he looked really good in the afternoon sunlight, I wanted to scream out 'where have you been!' but I composed myself before I took things too far.

"Uh-huh, h-hey Cole, what's up? w-what brings you here?", I stuttered miserably.

I felt so embarrassed but Cole just gave a sly grin while handing me our mail, "Your Grandma asked me if I could help her take care of some stuff in her garden and I just happened to bump into the mailman to get those", he said while pointing at the mail.

I was a bit confused as to why my Nana would ask Cole for help when I could have done whatever she needed to be done, since I had nothing doing, and why didn't she mention in her note that he was supposed to come over?

"Uh okay, but you might have to come back tomorrow she's not home right now and I'm sure she didn't tell me because she wasn't expecting you to come today", I said, hoping he was using it as an excuse to come see me.

"Yeah you might be right but before she headed out early this morning she stopped by at my place to ask me if I could help her out with a few things and what she wanted done, also that you would be home to assist me".

I instantly froze and I was pretty sure my eyes were as round as saucers.

Why on earth would she say that? or maybe she didn't? You're right he's probably making a sick joke on me as payback from our last encounter.

I told him to wait outside for a second before running into the living room to get the home phone to call my Nana.

The phone kept rininging and I was afraid she wasn't going to answer, "Come on, pick up, pick up" I whispered frantically. Just when I thought the line would go dead she picked up.

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