Chapter 19

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So I have decided to switch things up a notch :) Enjoy and give feedbacks! :*
Might be a one time thing though;)


Cole Wright



That was the first word that came to my head the first day I saw her.

Well, in person actually.

All I had in knowledge of her was a picture in her room of when she was still a kid, I loved this version of her better.


She reminded me of the dark roses her grandmother tenders to in their backyard, they held their own beauty in their color and were captivating to look at, her hair was so rich and healthy I almost envied it.


I wanted to touch her, I wanted to hold her, I wanted to know her, I wanted to feel her, but why did she strike my attention?

I was never one to go for girls like her, not because she wasn't pretty or that she was repulsive, but she was as good as a definition of a child at heart and I already dealt with enough kids in my life.

She had just arrived with her family and her grandmother is waiting for them at her front door.

On sight of her she runs to her grandmother and I can see the exchange of intense emotion, they must be really close.

Who is she?

I was so puzzled and taken aback by such a being that I didn't realize I was staring, I must sound like a creep but there aren't enough words to describe the beautiful sculpture before me.

Turn around

I wanted to see her face again, I wanted to take a mental picture of her so I could store it in my memory rather than that of the one on her bedside table, till the day I'll see her again.

Please turn around.

I was getting so angsty that all I wanted to do was run down there and hold her in my arms, as if on cue my hands started shaking and craving for human contact, but most importantly, hers.

In a split second, she looked through my window and directly at me.

I was stunned.

I couldn't make out her eyes but I was sure they were as beautiful as the rest of her facial features. I wanted to walk closer to my window so she would get a better view of me, of what she could have.

Idiot, I thought.

I decided against it.

Not yet.

Before she broke the hug with her grandmother, I slipped behind my curtains to get out of view so she wouldn't get the chance to get a better look, sorry miss that has got to wait.


Present Day

That same word echoed in my head again when I laid eyes on her half hidden figure, beautiful.

Truly that, she was.

No matter how much I tried to get her out of my thoughts, she kept coming back. She was like a song I fell for on first listen, now it just plays over and over in my memory like a broken record.

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