Chapter 54

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I haven't heard from Cole in two months, I tried reaching out to him but he must have changed his number.

Its either that or he has been ignoring my texts and calls, I didn't spend much time on that though, after a week of trying to reach out, I left him alone.

It hurt, a lot, but it's something that has to be done, if it was okay for him to move on so easily then it was fine by me.

I couldn't spend the rest of my life wondering what went wrong because I knew what I had with Cole was real and it was special.

If he comes around again would I let him in?


Who am I kidding? I would, I would give him a second chance and thousands more because I loved him and no matter what people thought, I know he loved me.

I didn't dare tell my father how we broke things off, I felt if I did he would have made well on his promise but something told me he already knew.

These past two months have been tough, I went back home to San José the weekend after my Nana's burial and my dad decided not to sell the house but to keep it.

I was happy with that decision and I was ecstatic when my dad got a professional florist to keep her garden alive and not touch a thing.

We still honored her wishes even when she wasn't here with us.

A few weeks after, we threw a baby shower for my mom and had her baby reveal, she was so happy to find out she was having twins.

Yeah you heard me, twins, a boy and a girl, I was happy too, Ian on the other hand was freaked out so was my dad.

They got out of it though and we couldn't wait for them to get here, my moms due date is coming up and everyone has been an uncomfortable mess.

My mom wasn't as stressed as we were, which was a good thing because she did not need the extra tension.

Ian finally broke the news to my parents and I wasn't sure how but they knew he wasn't at Yale, apparently my dad is a whole lot more supportive than we thought he could muster.

Like I said, the death of someone brings the family closer together.

I would say I was finally happy, Reneé and Cameron were still together, my friends at Fresno and I were a lot closer than before and they started coming over every fortnight.

They did everything in their power to get my mind off Cole and I couldn't be more appreciative.

I was happy.

I was standing in the middle of my room as I watched the painter put on the last coat over my once grey walls.

I finally got to redecorating my room and I took my Nana's advice by letting the world see my colors, I was doing just that.

I decided after Christmas, which was a week away, I was going to apply to Yale, I know what you're thinking and no, my parents didn't influence my decision.

I wanted to be a double major in photography and nursing, what better place to do that than Yale University?

My teachers told me my credentials were strong enough and they wished me luck in my final semester which would land me a definite scholarship.

That's what I was looking forward to.

I was in the middle of instructing one of the men painting my room what design I wanted on my ceiling when my mom screeched my name.

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